Extracurricular activities and Community notices

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TeamKids - Book for the Spring School Holidays!



Hebrew Immersion Program Term 4 Registrations

Sportswise and Soccerwise term 4 Registration

Junior Rocker promotion

Community programs from Glen Eira Council

Cognitive Assessment for school-age children and teens

Counselling for kids | Child Counsellors Melbourne (counselling4kids.com.au)

Catherine Olweny, who completed her master’s degree in counselling earlier this year, has now opened a practice called “Counselling4kids”. 


Catherine was an amazing asset to CJC and many families benefited from her counselling services. 


Catherine would love to hear from any families who would like their child to have some counselling sessions with her. 


Here are her details- 

Dr Catherine Olweny 

BA(Hons), BMBS, MA, MCoun, Dip Clin Hyp, FANZCA.Consultant Anaesthetist, Registered Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist

721A Riversdale Road, Camberwell Victoria 3124

Mob: 0409711572 | Email: drolweny@counselling4kids.com.au |Website: https://counselling4kids.com.au 


Counselling for kids | Child Counsellors Melbourne (counselling4kids.com.au)