Social Media

Mr David Russell

Inappropriate use of Social Media

This issue has been growing in society as platforms continue to expand.  There are numerous examples on social media each day.  Yes, there are videos/pictures with captions and just comments that make us laugh but there are then those that have a far more damaging effect on the people involved.  In these cases those people do not know that the post has been made and uploaded until it appears or someone directs them to it.  They have no control over it and are effectively powerless to remove it.

This year we have seen a significant increase in the production and transmission of material involving students and it is now including staff at the college.  In some cases, this has involved the photoshopping of faces onto images and captions added. Other instances involve video footage being taken and then uploaded with commentary and memes.  Others just involve a conversation between a number of participants. On nearly every occasion the completed post is offensive and without fact.  In the cases involving teachers it can also be of considerable concern to reputation and employment.

Unfortunately, we have dealt with instances like these this year and I will state that any student involved in such material being uploaded onto social media can expect to face consequences.  This may also involve other authorities external to the school.

As a school we have had presentations to students regarding the use of social media by police and other authorities so the excuse “I didn’t know” is not valid.

I ask all parents to discuss this with your child(ren). I know that no parents would like to have their child be the subject of this behaviour and ask that this message regarding inappropriate use of social media is strongly supported. As a support for parents please see the School Cyber Safety Hub flyer in this newsletter. 


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