
Mr Jake Phin and the Wellbeing Team

As Term 3 draws to a close, the college Wellbeing Team are reflecting upon the successes this term engaging with students and with you, the parent/carer community.


We welcomed Katrina Marson to the college earlier in the term to talk about sex education and relationships. An expert in her field, listening to Katrina speak was captivating and I strongly encourage you to look further into her work if you were unable to attend on the night.


Andrew Kinch from GameAware also attended the college just last week to talk about healthy gaming habits and strategies to support you engaging with your young gamers. Andrew spoke with parents, carers and our Year 7 students who were all engaged in what is always a very in depth presentation.


The Wellbeing Team are pleased to announce a partnership with GameAware that will provide you with free access to their parent/carer course. The course will give you a baseline knowledge and understanding of video gaming as well as strategies to balance gaming with engagement in the real world.


The link to the parent/care course can be accessed below and be sure to use the coupon code to ensure the course is free to purchase.


Coupon Code: parkdalega23


Lastly, our Year 7 students heard from Brett Lee at Internet Safe Education (ISE) about the importance of staying safe online. Snapchat, TikTok and all the usual suspects got a mention as Brett held complete attention from the crowd talking about his experience working in law enforcement as an undercover online agent.


The Wellbeing Team similarly have a partnership with Brett and ISE that gives all parent/carers access to online resources to support your young people stay safe online. A flyer that will give you access to this resource is attached, while further support and advice can always be accessed through esafety.gov.au.


Additional support information has also been included here to support yourselves and those you care about over the holidays.


We all wish you a happy and safe holiday break.



Jake and the Wellbeing Team