By Janelle Scott 

STEP Anatomy by Dissection


Through this engaging and hands-on experience, our young scientists have had the incredible opportunity to dissect various specimens, including owl pellets, squid, toads, and rats. Their enthusiasm and curiosity have been truly inspiring as they explore the intricate details of these creatures, gaining a deeper understanding of anatomy and biology. We are immensely proud of their dedication to learning, and we look forward to seeing how this experience will shape their future endeavours in the world of science.

Rebekah Phe

STEP Anatomy by Dissection Teacher 


Year 7 STEP 


Year 7 STEPPERS have been really busy lately.  We have finished our Design a Car competition and completed our Forensics sessions, but the BIG highlight was our excursion to Scienceworks!

Here we got to immerse ourselves in the stars with the planetarium session, we chilled out (mostly) in the beyond perception exhibition, ran around in the sports and future exhibition and our minds were sparked to life in the Lightening room!   Lots of fun for our curious minds!  



Advanced 3D Modelling and Printing

Well done to our Advance 3D students who have had their creative juices flowing!  There were many varied designs – buildings, motors, combination locks, blocks…the list goes on! A Massive  Congratulations to our competition winner Martin Neubauer for his winning design.