Principal Report 


Dear SEPS Families,


I am so pleased to be writing my very first newsletter to you all. I cannot believe how fast the first two weeks have passed and am sure that the remainder of this term will fly by just as quickly. I would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome that I have received since my arrival. It has been wonderful meeting so many families in the yard and I have had many people popping their head in to say a quick hello in the office as well. I feel very blessed and privileged to be leading such a wonderful school community. 


I was very pleased to discover that we have the electronic newsletter already in place at SEPS. I understand that it is only new here but I am sure that you will love the new format as we build on the content in coming weeks. Moving forward, we be issuing this newsletter fortnightly on a Friday. I am also in discussion with our School Council President, Scott Bundy, on the redevelopment of the School Website and look forward to working on this throughout the remainder of the term.


Last week after assembly, a number of parents & carers stayed for a quick coffee and a chat. A few parents have commented on how they enjoyed the opportunity for a catch up so I am happy to make Monday Morning Coffee a regular feature after assembly for anyone wanting to stop for a chat. Unfortunately, we ran out of coffee beans this week! It is not only a chance for me to meet with you but also an opportunity for members of our community to connect. It was lovely to see brand new parents being welcomed by others last week as well. I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful Georgie Cooper for being so accommodating and keeping the coffee van open a little longer for us on Mondays!    


I would like to introduce my dog Murphy. She is 3 years old and has been a member of our family since she was a puppy. Like most Border Collies, she is highly intelligent and exceptionally well behaved... unlike Scout (our very cheeky West Highland Terrier who just turned one). Last year Murphy and I completed training and she is now a certified Therapy Dog. We never set out for her to be a Therapy Dog however her personality and disposition have proved to be perfect for the role. She was a superstar at my previous school. I am sure the students were more upset about her leaving than me. We have the beautiful Bailey and Tommy here at SEPS but I think Murphy will be welcomed by many of our students who need that extra bit of TLC from time to time. I will be introducing her at the assembly on Monday. Please look out for an opt-out consent form that I will be sending out via Compass and don't hesitate to contact me via the office should you have any questions or concerns. The updated policy for Therapy Dogs in School will be uploaded to the school Website for your information.  


Thank you again for a wonderful first two weeks.  Being a working parent myself, I know that it is difficult getting up to the school but I look forward to meeting many more of you at upcoming events. 


Have a wonderful fortnight ahead! 


Kind Regards, 

Jane Briffa (Principal)