Primary School 

Welcome Back

Welcome back! Ayear gone so fast must have been a wonderful one, I hope you enjoyed a coffee on arrival yesterday and feel prepared for the final term of the school year. Term Four has some of the most exciting calendar events but with this our teachers are met with a lot of planning and events to attend to under quite tight time pressures. Please if you have planned absences for this term, can they be communicated nice and early to your child’s classroom teacher to ensure they have adequate time to prepare for changes?

Some of the excitement on offer this term:

Week One

  • Music and merit certificate assembly (all welcome) - Friday 13 October, 2.20pm in the Hall.

Week Two

  • Year Twelve Valedictory Assembly (presentation uniform) - Friday 20 October, 9.45am in the Mlti-Purpose Sport Complex.

Week Three

  • Primary School Interhouse Athletics (K-6) - Thursday 26 October, 9.00am to 3.00pm.

Week Four

  • Year Six camp to Rottnest - Monday to Friday.
  • ECC Wild Space Community Walk (all welcome) - Thursday 2 November, 3.20pm.
  • Year Three sleepover - Friday 3 November.

Week Five

  • Remembrance Day Service - Thursday 9 November.
  • House Leader speeches
  • Pupil free day - Albany Show Day, Friday 10 November (and our budding House Leaders can put their posters up on Monday.)

Week Six

  • Primary School Interschool Athletics - Wednesday 15 November
  • Primary School Orientation Day - Thursday 16 November
  • Chapel and House Leader Voting - Friday 17 November

Week Seven

  • Swimming lessons - All week 11.30am to 3.00pm (Pre-Primary to Year Six)
  • Year Six Christmas Market Stalls - Thursday 23 November

Week Eight

  • Swimming lessons - All week 11.30am to 3.00pm (Pre-Primary to Year Six)
  • ECC Beach Fun Morning - Thursday 30 November
  • House Games - Friday 1 December
  • Albany Christmas Pageant - Saturday 2 December

Week Nine

  • Whole school Christmas Service - Monday 4 December, 10.15am
  • Year Six Exhibition - Monday 4 December
  • Primary School Awards (presentation uniform) - Monday 4 December
  • Christmas Concert - Tuesday 5 December

Our last school day for Primary School is Tuesday 5 December.


I had the pleasure of speaking this week at our whole school assembly about the incredible work our Primary School teachers do. Every teacher plans dynamic programs of work to engage, inspire and instruct the students in our care. Our curriculum aims to develop the whole child whilst instilling a lifelong love of learning and self-discovery. Each week this term, I will endeavour to share with you an aspect of our approach to teaching and learning at GSG. 

ECC Stars of the Week

Our ECC Stars of the Week aims to celebrate individual success in reaching goals set for each student. We celebrate these successes at our ECC morning briefings each Wednesday. Well done to this Week’s Winners; Sebastian Pyle, Finn De Snoo, Amaya Kiddle and Carter Jones. 





Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead,


Mrs Leah Field | Head of Primary

Year Six Blazer Fittings

All Year Six students have now been fitted for their blazers ready for graduation.


Could Parents and Guardians please collect and pay for them from the Uniform shop before Friday 3 November.


After this date, any blazers not collected will be returned to stock and we cannot guarantee that all sizes will be available.


Mrs Tristine Smargiassi | Uniform Manager