Whole School News

Library News

Welcome back to Term Four. It is lovely to hear about what the students have been reading over the holidays.


Mental Health Week

There are many health benefits to reading. Reading is very beneficial to brain health: exercise for the mind. Reading gives us an insight into the thoughts and feelings of others, and studies have found that empathetic skills change and develop with regular fiction reading. For many, being engrossed in a book is a great stress reliever. 


Scholastic Book Club

Book Club forms will be handed to classes this week and are due back on Monday 23 October. There are two options for ordering. Use your own Scholastic account to order and pay online. If you would like to set up a new account go to: http://scholastic.com.au/register OR alternatively, please enclose cash with your completed order form. Cheques should be made payable to Scholastic Australia. Your completed forms can be handed in to the Library.


Ms Elinor Couper | Head of Library Services

Grammar Grown wine

Grammar Grown wine will be available to purchase at Valedictory next week, you can either buy in person on the day, or via a pre-order form (linked below.) With pre-order, the payment will be processed over the phone on the day and wine made available for collection.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

Monday 23 October the Uniform Shop will be opening later at 10.00am.


Mrs Tristine Smargiassi | Uniform Manager