From the Chaplain

David in the bible was a shepherd boy and he spent most of his time out in the field looking after his father’s sheep.  He wrote much of the Book of Psalms while out there and contemplating the beauty of God’s creation. 


‘I look at the heavens you made with your hands. I see the moon and the stars you created. And I wonder, “Why are people so important to you?  Why do you even think about them?  Why do you care so much about humans? Why do you even notice them?”  Psalm 8:3-6 


God does notice us and He knows how many people are in the world, how many people He has ever created and He knows us all by name. I only have three children and get their names mixed up. 


God knows all about you, your likes and dislikes, what you can and can’t do, your hopes and your dreams.  God knows where you will go in the future and what job will be the best for you.  God knew all of this before you were even born. So if there is anything that you want to know about, you can ask God as he knows all the answers.  God is omniscient.


Remember that the God of the universe, who carefully crafted and named the stars and galaxies, also made you and knows you by your name and He sees you and values you every day. 


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain