Mrs Emma Daly



A big focus of our Numeracy teaching continues to be developing efficient mental computation strategies with our students. Research shows that over 80% of maths completed in our day-to-day lives is done mentally or 'in our head'.  


There are a number of amazing games on the LOVE MATHS website. Have a look at the website and find a game you can play with your children. They are divided into Prep-2 and Yrs 3-6 and is number games and operation games available. 



Congratulations to all those students who participated in the Australian Maths Competition last term. It was fantastic to see so many students displaying our risk-taking and inquisitive dispositions and challenging themselves to have a go at something new. 


Every student who participated will receive a certificate and those who achieved a credit or distinction award will be presented at assembly in the coming weeks. 



How Old is Granny?

Tom asked his Granny how old she was. Rather than giving him a straight answer, she replied: "I have 6 children, and there are 4 years between each one and the next. I had my first child (your Uncle Peter) when I was 19. Now the youngest one (your Auntie Jane) is 19 herself. That's all I'm telling you!" How old is Tom's Granny?