School News

NEW - 'Cuppa & Conversation'
NEW - Scholastic Book Fair
We are very excited to be once again hosting a Scholastic Book Fair at Sacred Heart. This gives families the opportunity to peruse books as you would in a book store. Books may be purchased and taken home on the day, unless it is the last copy on the shelf, in which case the book will need to be ordered.
Students will have the opportunity in class to see the books and fill out a wish list to take home. If you are unable to attend, books may also be pre-purchased from the Book Fair catalogue which has been sent home this week.
Commencing Thursday October 12 until October 19, the Book Fair will be open after school until 4pm in the Library.
Book Fair Opening Hours. Starts this Thursday.
Thursday 12th October - after school until 4pm
Friday 13th October - after school until 4pm
Monday 16th October - after school until 4pm
Tuesday 17th October - CLOSED
Wednesday 18th October - after school until 4pm
Thursday 19th October - after school until 4pm
Our school will receive a percentage of all sales which we usually take in books for all students to enjoy. Payment by cash or there will be EFT Facilities available. Any parents available to assist with the Book Fair please contact the school office.
NEW - Donations
We are looking for donations of sapling fruit trees if families are able to help. Fruit trees such as apple, lemon, cherry, etc. would be a great addition to our new school garden. If you are able to assist with a donation please contact Emily Slaughter via the school office.
NEW - Division Athletics
Congratulations to our children that represented Sacred Heart School at the Division Athletics in Shepparton on Monday. Alannah, Maddi, Annaliese, Kate, Danni, Elyssa, Ingrid, Addisyn, Eliza, Manny, Max, Harry, Nate, Blake, and Hunter competed against other children from surrounding towns at McEwen Reserve in Shepparton. Alannah Mutimer and Dannie Do-Le were successful in qualifying for the next level in Albury on Friday October 13. Well done to all our children for being outstanding ambassadors for our school and we wish Alannah and Danni every success as they compete in the high jump in Albury. Bravi!
NEW - Circus
On Monday October 9th, Grade 3/4 students participated in a circus skills workshop run by Little Devils Circus. The workshop was based around the science topic of 'Forces'. During the workshop, students explored push, pull, gravity and friction in a variety of ways. They explored the idea of balancing forces by trying to get a ping pong ball to remain in the same position while blowing through a straw from both ends. Their balancing skills were put to the test when they needed to balance out the forces required to stand on each other - it was excellent to see the team work and resilience shown in this trick!
Students also compared the centre of gravity and made hypotheses about the height of a bounce when comparing a basketball and a medicine ball.
They also used devil sticks, diablos and tried to juggle - some were very successful. All around, it was a fantastic day and we learnt so much!
Below are some of the students favorite parts of the day;
I liked the diablos the most because I hadn't used them before- Sophia P
I liked the balancing on the other person - it was a bit like gymnastics - Mia
The best part was using the devil sticks - April
The best one was standing on each other and trying to balance - Tommee
It was fun using the diablos - Alby
Miss Brown, Grade 3/4 Teacher
NEW - Scienceworks
The 5/6s had a fabulous time at Melbourne Scienceworks Museum on Tuesday the 10th of October. We proudly set off all organised at the very early time of 7:30am. First, we viewed the Sportsworks and Think Ahead Museums. We raced Cathy Freeman, tested our agility and strength, learnt about sound and designed futuristic cars or robots. Following this, we bravely ventured onto the Lightning Room, where we watched demonstrations about energy and even watched the high voltage batteries create lightning and strike objects in front of our eyes! Lastly, we enjoyed a show from above in the Planetarium where we explored whether humans could live on another planet and explored the night sky.
NEW - School Fees Statements
Please be advised statements were sent out today to those families with a balance owing. Those families who pay through school direct debit or Centrepay received a statement for your records and no action is required.
NEW - Art
Improving Reading Achievement Through the Use of Classroom Libraries
Classroom libraries are integral to successful teaching and learning. Extensive research has shown that students who have immediate and ongoing access to engaging books in their classrooms exhibit higher reading achievement, better comprehension and an increased vocabulary. When students are provided with well-designed classroom libraries, they interact more with books, spend more time reading and exhibit more positive attitudes toward reading.
The Role and Importance of the Classroom Library
A classroom library serves as the backbone of the classroom’s daily learning activities. An effectively designed classroom library:
- Creates a Reading Environment: Making time and space for a classroom library creates a reading environment. Children will be encouraged to read more if they have daily access to meaningful and personally interesting books.
- Supports Reading Instruction: Classroom libraries provide a collection of reading materials at different reading levels. Books ranging from easy to challenging are included to meet the varied abilities of students. Teachers can match the reading levels of their students with the levels of the books in their classroom library. Books are read with success, thus allowing students to grow as readers.
- Enriches the Curriculum: Having a wide range of books in the classroom encourages teachers to incorporate diverse fiction and nonfiction books into their teaching. Teachers can also introduce students to a wide range of book genres, authors, and topics.
- Reinforces Language Acquisition: Classroom libraries provide a vast resource for diverse activities that reinforce language acquisition. While the best predictor of reading success is the amount of time spent reading, reading achievement is also influenced by the frequency, amount, and diversity of reading activities.
- Encourages Independent Reading: Having books readily available in the classroom supports independent reading, personal exploration, project research, and individual assessment. Successful reading programs incorporate Independent Reading time, which provide students with daily time to read self-selected books that meet their personal reading interests.
- Increases Vocabulary: By reading a variety of texts, students’ vocabulary increases, which improves reading comprehension and language arts skills.
- Allows Students to Interact with Books: A classroom library functions as a gathering place for students to meet and talk about their reactions to books with peers and teachers. These exchanges encourage comprehension and critical thinking.
At Sacred Heart we value the support of volunteers. Over your child/ren’s journey through Primary School there are many opportunities to volunteer and support your child and the school. Please visit the volunteer page on the school website for further information.
NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers
Lunch Orders
Tatura Hot Bread Bakery will be providing the School lunch orders for two days a week. Lunch orders will be available Thursdays and Fridays. Please find below the 2023 price list. There is an example on how to correctly fill in the lunch order bag on Daily Messages, the Hot Bread Shop has advised that all lunch orders need to be in the correct format. Thank you.
A reminder orders are to be done through the School, not to be dropped off at the Bakery.
Second Hand Uniform Sales
Sacred Heart will now only be accepting second hand uniform items as a donation to the school. If families wish to sell items we request that this is done privately. Please see below the current uniform stock available for purchase. If you wish to have a browse of the uniforms or make a purchase, please see Sally in the school office on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Item | Price |
Jacket | $15.00 |
School Bag | $10.00 |
Jumper | $5.00 |
Pants (slacks & sports) | $5.00 |
Dress | $5.00 |
Polo Shirt (short sleeve) | $2.00 |
Polo Shirt (long sleeve) | $2.00 |
Shorts (sports & non-sports) | $2.00 |
Skirt & Skort | $2.00 |
Hats | $2.00 |