Our Faith - Religious Education

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Mass Times
Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday 9 am & 6 pm
Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm
Term 4 Events
October - Month of the Rosary
The Rosary helps us to see our human lives in the light of Christ. It is a prayer that can be prayed at any time; however, its simplicity and repetition make the Rosary particularly helpful on journeys and moments of waiting.
October - Catholic Missions month.
Each year in October we participate in fundraising for Catholic Mission. Catholic Mission is a fundraising aid agency for Pope Francis. This year the funds raised will support families in Timor-Leste facing health and wellness challenges.
CRAZY SOCK AND COIN LINE DAY - Thursday 26th Oct for Catholic Missions.
Everyone is encouraged to wear some crazy socks and bring a GOLD coin for the Mission appeal as well as coins for their class coin line.
MARRIAGE & FAMILY WEEK - Week 2 16th -20th Oct
This week our diocese is celebrating Marriage and Family Week. It provides an opportunity to explore with students aspects of the Catholic understanding of the way we experience God’s faithfulness. We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do.
FAREWELL Father Roel
Farewell Father Roel on the 29th October after 10am Mass in the Torreggiani Room.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring a plate of food to share.
All Saints Day
1st November All Saints Day Whole School Mass 9am Cathedral
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
8th December Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Whole School Mass.
Class Masses - Friday 9am (Venue - Ursuline Chapel)
Kindergarten - Friday 20th Oct
Year 1 - Friday 27th Oct,
Year 2 - Friday 3rd Nov,
Year 3 - Friday 10th Nov,
Year 4 - Friday 17th Nov,
Year 5 - Friday 24th Nov
Year 6 -Friday 15th December - End of Year Mass , Whole School 9 am
Whole School Mass - Cathedral
Wednesday 1st November - All Saints Day 9 am
Friday 8th December Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9 am
Friday 15th December - End of School Year Mass 9 am
Year 5 & Year 6 - Week 2 Friday 20th Oct
Proposed Family/ Youth Mass for 2023
Term 4- Sunday 26th November - 5:30 pm
for Raphael, Evita, Philomena, and their grandfather Peter
For Raphael, Evita, Philomena, and their grandfather Peter: May they find everlasting rest in the company of the angels and saints. We pray to the Lord
For David, Elise, Eamon, and Rueben: Grant them strength and comfort during this most difficult time, and may they feel our community’s outpouring of love and support. We pray to the Lord
For all those affected by this tragedy, especially the community of St Mary’s May the Holy Spirit provide comfort and peace in this time of sorrow and grief. We pray to the Lord
For our community, Strengthen our faith and hope, and guide us to be sources of support and love for one another. We pray to the Lord
Lord, draw near to us in our sadness, help us in our tears and pain to know you standing alongside us and to experience your love and healing. We pray to the Lord.
Our school extends our sincere condolences to the following families who lost loved ones recently; Nathaniel & Noah Morris and Miss O'Brien. May your Aunty and Grandmother rest in peace.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Diocesan Prayer Card
A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.