Parent News

Catholic Schools NSW Road Safety
School Refusal - Every School Day Counts
Parenting Courses Offered by Centacare and the Family Relationship Centre
FREE Parenting Program for parents of 11 – 22 year olds - SURVIVING YOUR ADOLESCENTS
Here’s 7 mistakes parents make with teens:
- Do you speak to your teens as if they are still little kids?
- Are you treating conversation with them as if it’s a chore or obligation?
- Do you multitask while listening to them?
- Do you interrupt them?
- Do you press them into activities of your choosing?
- Do you try to force the conversation too often?
- Do they leave the house with you calling out behind them: “Remember, drive slowly! Be safe! Text me!”
Here is the link to the whole article.
We are running the ever popular Surviving Your Adolescents program in ARMIDALE over two Thursdays 19th & 26th October 2023 from 10am to 1pm where we will give you some tips, techniques, information and practical advice to use with your teenager. This course is ideal for parents, caregivers, foster parents, teachers, youth workers and anyone who has any contact with adolescents.
WHEN: 2 x Thursdays 19th & 26th October 2023
TIME: 10am –1pm
WHERE: 150 Rusden St. Armidale
We will be exploring:
- Teen brain development and its effect on teens… and you!
- What teenagers need to really thrive
- Why they forget what you tell them and how to help them remember
- Why they are so strongly emotional and reactive and how to reduce this
- What reduces risk taking in the adolescent years
- Identifying what is normal and what is a serious problem
- How to not get roped into arguments and lose it
- How to maintain a good relationship throughout these challenging years.
- The Four Things NOT TO DO
- The four things TO DO to improve your relationship with your teen
- The relationship between parent-teen communication and adolescent safety
- What role to take: Observer, Advisor, Negotiator, Director
- How to respond to emotional blackmail
This is a popular program with parents as it helps them negotiate through those challenging teenage years with great tips that help you understand your teenager, get closer to them and support and guide them.
Feedback from recent courses: helps to keep perspective - sort out priorities, strategies for reducing conflict, good ideas to stop escalation of emotion in teenagers and parents.
To TALK to the FACILITATOR ring 6738 7200 or to REGISTER for the course ring 1800 372 826
World Book Online - Dyslexia support
A new feature is available on World Book Online for dyslexic students. Students can now change the font to Opendyslexic font via the Tools & Settings button in each article. “OpenDyslexic is a typeface designed against some common symptoms of dyslexia”. This feature is currently only available in World Book Student.
Our world book online log in is:-
username: stmaryscps
password: library
Real Talk Parents Free Membership
The Armidale Catholic School Office has arranged for our entire school community (parents, teachers and staff) to have free premium level access to our Real Talk Parents membership site. Click on the link below to take advantage of this great resource.
eSafety Parent and Carer Webinars
eSafety is the first government agency in the world dedicated exclusively to online safety. As the national online safely regulator, we are committed to helping all Australians have safer experiences by removing harmful content from the internet, as well as through a range of prevention, education and early intervention measures.
We help Australians deal with a range of online harms through our reporting services, for cyberbullying that targets a young person under 18, image-based abuse, and illegal online content, including child sexual abuse material.
We also provide online safety training, advice and resources to parents, educators, young people and other at-risk communities.
Our eSafety Guide also provides the latest advice on games, apps and social media sites young people are using, helping parents, carers and educators understand the age recommendations, benefits and risks.
eSafety’s website – – is a place where parents / educators can go to find useful and evidence-based advice about online safety.
New Newsletter Issue 5 OUT NOW!!
Cancer Council Snippets
Good for Kids
NECOM Singing Teacher
Contact NECOM on 6788 2135 for lesson availability