From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Week 2 Term 4


Thank you for your support over the last two weeks as we navigate the grief and loss of our three children, Raphael, Evita, Philomena, and their grandfather Peter. 


Words cannot express how grateful we are for the support we have received as a school. The support of our school community, the Armidale community and across the Armidale Diocese has carried us and given us the strength to face each day. 


On Tuesday evening we came together to pray, reflect and give thanks for Raphael, Evita, Philomena, and Peter. 


The following extracts are from the Liturgy on Tuesday evening.


Jesus the Way to the Father.  A reading from John 14: 1- 4

“Do not let your heart be troubled; trust in God and trust also in me. In my Father’s house there are many rooms: if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And as I go now to prepare a place for you, I shall come again and take you to myself, that where I am, you also maybe.”  The Word of the Lord.


The reading from John 14 has given all of us at school comfort and hope over the last two weeks. We know that the three children and their grandfather are in heaven and that Jesus prepared a room for them in the Father's house. 

The images of the rooms in the Father’s house are rooms of life, love, light, joy, and beauty. The children and their pop knew the way to the Father’s house because Jesus was right there with them, holding their hands and leading the way. That is what we trust & believe. 


Let us continue to tell our stories about the children, and speak their names. Tell about the fun times, the joy, and the laughter we had with Raphael, Evita, Philomena, our friends. Tell each other about the ways they touched your life. These conversations call their presence to us. Tell their never-ending story so they will always be with us. 


From a Yr 6 classmate- 

My dear friend, I’ve never regretted the things I’ve done with you; only the things I haven’t. I am sorry we didn’t get to say goodbye.  I am Sorry. 

So many tears have been shed because of your absence. 

I was lucky to have you as my friend; I am so grateful.

Welcome Transition Children & Their Families

We are very excited to have our transition children start school last week. They are enjoying all of the exciting things we do at big school.

Welcome To Our New Students

Welcome to our new students & their families who have joined St Mary's this term. Lucas Everett - Year 1, Jaden Ogilvie - Year 3,  Harlo Cooper - Year 4,   Alexandra Robson - Year 4,   Koby Frost-Bell - Year 4,  Scout McDonald - Year 4, Sixte Poidevin Year 2 & Etienne Poidevin Kindergarten.

A Student with A Serious Health Condition

We have a student enrolled at school who has a serious heart condition. One of the challenging aspects of the condition is the need to avoid any contact with dogs. The child cannot be near a dog while at school. I ask families NOT to bring dogs into the school playground at any time. 


If you bring your dog to drop off or pick up please remain on the footpath. If for any reason you need to bring a dog into the school YOU MUST contact the school office first to arrange access. 


This situation reminds us to cherish the good health of our little people and the simple joys of life. 


Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe. 

School Hour / Supervision Reminder


Families are reminded that school supervision DOES NOT START UNTIL 8:20 am.

Students are not supervised until they enter the school playground at 8:20 am.

If you drop off your child before the front door is open the children are not supervised and they need to sit and wait.



When you have collected your child from school please do not let them climb trees or play  on any of the fences, railings or the Cathedral Hall steps. 

Polding Athletics

Congratulations to Sophie & Molly Schmude and Stephen Chin who competed at the Polding Athletics last week in Sydney. Sophie & Molly achieved 2nd and 11th overall in the 100 metre sprint event and Stephen finished 12th in the Shotput. 

Best wishes Sophie who will compete in the 100 metres for the NSW State PSSA Team at the State PSSA Carnival next week.

St Joseph's Cup Final Friday

Congratulations to the following winners in the 2023 public speaking - St Joseph's Cup.

Kindergarten Winner -Lucy Abbott and Runner up - William Repp

Year 1 Winner - Demi McGuire and Runner up - Tom Coffey

Year 2 Winner - Daniel Ivannikov and Runner up - Olivia Duff

Year 3 Winner - Abigail Schumacher and Runner up - Luke Repp

Year 4 Winner - Ruby Brauer and Runner up - Sophie Schmude

Year 5 Winner - Eleanor Flannery and Runner up - Beau Schaefer

Year 6 Winner - Lucy Bible and Runner up - Cameron Czapracki

Overall Infants Winner - Daniel Ivannikov

Overall Primary Winner - Lucy Bible

School Satisfaction Survey Results

We have received the results of the school satisfaction surveys.  This survey, conducted by an outside provider, surveys parents, staff and students across the schools in the Armidale diocese.  The results were strongly positive and affirming of our school from our parents. (See below). The Catholic Schools Office are compiling the comments made by our parents, staff and students in Years 4-6 into themes that will be released later during the term.  This information will be beneficial in helping us to plan for the next academic year. 

Parent Satisfaction Survey Results

P & F - Fete Date 4th November 2023

Thank you to the Fete Committee for all your work in organising the Fete. 

Thank you also to all families for supporting the Fete Donation days.

The count down until the fete starts!

























Thank you P & F for the Disco

Thank you to the P & F  for the disco on Thursday night the children had a fun time.

Summer Uniform - Term 4

Thank you for ensuring the children have returned to school in the correct uniform.



Summer Uniform Terms 1 & 4

Tunic: St Mary’s Blue tartan with gold piping or St Mary’s Culottes with St Mary’s Girls Blouse

Socks: Royal blue ankle height

Sloppy Joe/Woollen Jumper:

Royal Blue with Emblem

Shoes: Black school shoes

Hat: Royal Blue with Emblem

(only available  from school)


Summer Uniform Terms 1 & 4

Shirt:   Mid-blue with collar, short sleeves     with emblem on pocket and side vent.                  

Shorts: Grey

Socks: Grey (ankle turnover)

Sloppy Joe/Woollen Jumper:

Royal Blue with Emblem

Shoes: Black School Shoes

Hat: Royal Blue with Emblem

(only available from school)

Student Absences

Due to Government regulation, notification of your child's absence must be received no later than 7 days after your child's last day of absence. Please notify the school of all student absences. 


Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. Just one absence per fortnight adds up to 20 missed days per year; this equates to 260 days from Kindergarten to Year 6 or 1.25 school years!

New Director - Armidale Diocesan Catholic Schools

It was announced on Monday by Monsignor Wilkes, that Ms Regina Menz will be our new Director for the Armidale Diocese from January 2024. Regina is currently working in the Catholic Schools Office as a School Performance Leader. Previous to this role she was the Principal of O'Connor Catholic College in Armidale. On behalf of our school community, we would like to congratulate Ms Menz on this important appointment.