Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French
On Thursday 5 October, Oliver, Leo, Deniz, Zoe, Leela and Advaith represented the school at the Division Athletics competition. They competed in various track and field events including long jump, high jump, 1500m and 200m races. These students achieved wonderful results and showed outstanding sportmanship. They should be very proud of their results and for reaching this competitive level.
A huge congratulations to Leela for achieving 2nd in high jump. Leela will compete at Regionals in Doncaster later this month. We wish her all the best.
In term three, the year 5/6's began to explore digital art. They familiarised themselves with the Google drawing app and completed a range of exercises to learn and practise a number of skills. They have produced a wonderful range of work and I am very impressed with the way they quickly adapted to a new medium for making art.
On the back of our successful school production, the students have all begun the term by continuing to focus on dance and movement in their performing arts classes. While the dances for production were choregraphed for them, in their current units the students are being challenged to make up their own dance moves based on a theme eg the beach and then to connect the movements together to make mini dances. It has been exciting to watch the students working in small groups, practising their communication and teamwork skills while completing these movement challenges.
Our new topic is 'family trees and family members'. During our first lesson, the students had to guess the meaning of the French words and match them with the correct pictures in the family tree. They had never seen these words before and they did an amazing work.
This term, the students are continuing learning French numbers. A good way to memorise them is by studying patterns:
This term, prep, grade 1 and grade 2s are learning about design and technology. While the grade 3s and 5/6 students are learning about chemical science.
In Prep, we read Room on the Broom and then they were tasked with improving the design of the broom using their own creative ideas. I think they had some excellent ideas!
Year 1 and 2 are investigating our needs. We firstly discussed what we would need if we lived in different climates by paying attention to what we wear. They drew what they would wear if they lived in a cold climate and then what they would wear if they lived in a hot climate.
Grade 3 have started investigating things that melt. They had a range of materials that they warmed up to see what happened. Everyone wanted the melted chocolate!
Last week, both 5/6 classes came into the STEAM room only to discover someone had left a terrible mess. There was spilt perfume, fizzing water solutions, frozen milk, melting icy-poles, a candle, and melted and burnt chocolate - what a mess! They have been tasked this term to find out who the culprit is! Our first clue has been left - whose footprint is that?
This week they represented particles in an ice cube and a puddle of water using marbles. We are trying to narrow down the time of the crime!