Student Awards
Student of the Week
9 October 2023
For sharing her thoughts and ideas confidently during our Life Education session and demonstrating knowledge of excellent hygiene habits and a healthy lifestyle!
For being a helpful friend and showing kindness towards his new classmate. It's lovely to have you welcoming everyone!
For her fantastic work comparing the similarities and differences between versions of "The Three Little Pigs". Keep it up, Evie!
For his determination and persistence to improve his writing. Great work, Osmond!
For displaying perseverance and determination to improve his oral language and written English skills. You are a superstar Jerry!
For using excellent strategies while solving problems related to money. Keep up the excellent work, Kyrian!
For her motivated approach to writing her speech about AI and her willingness to share ideas during whole class discussions.
Language Specialist Award YEAR 1 ~
For their amazing cooperation while matching the correct French family members with the pictures on the family tree. Well done Grade 1!
PE Specialist Award YEAR 2 ~
For working cooperatively as a team to complete activities and challenges.
Mathematic Specialist Award PREP ~
For their focus and questioning when investigating volume and capacity.
STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A ~
For their excellent critical thinking skills about the 'evidence' left in the STEAM room.
Visual Arts Specialist Award PREP ~
For making a colourful smack of jellyfish. (Yes the collective noun for a group of jellyfish is a smack!)
Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 2 ~
For working well in small groups. You communicated well and demonstrated fantastic teamwork putting together your beach themed movements.
Hall of Fame