Why Everyone Needs to Compost

Unit ST

We think that everyone should compost because composting helps us in so many different ways. We are going to write about a few of the reasons to try and persuade you to start composting too!


Composts give lots of nutrients to the soil. Soil helps plants grow and we eat some of those plants. Good compost helps to grow healthier fruits and vegetables. 

Sometimes, the seeds in a compost bin can sprout and then you get free fruits and vegetables. 


Soil is also very helpful for the worms. Compost has lots of food that the worms can turn into soil. So the more compost we have, the happier the worms will be. 


If you make your own compost you won’t waste plastic. This is because you won’t need to buy any more soil from the shops that are in plastic bags. Plastic bags help global heating. We don’t want that!


All you need to start your own composting system is:

  • Food scraps
  • Torn up newspaper or cardboard
  • Compost bin
  • Some space for the bin
  • Little sticks 
  • Dried leaves
  • Saw dust
  • A little bit off water (when it’s really hot) 
  • Worms help as well


Please start composting. It is awesome because it makes your garden lush!