Community Events Page 

Brigid Dolan 

Shout Out! 

Thank you to all the helpers, bakers and sausage eaters for a great barbeque on Saturday - your help was much appreciated. 


CET dates ahead:

Halloween Plant and Produce Market - 27 October

Get ready for some spooky cakes and treats! Look out for a notice on Sentral to volunteer to help out serving or baking. 


Christmas Plant & Produce Market - 15 December

Our final plant and produce market for the year, just in time to get some treats for the end of year celebrations. 


Buildings and Grounds Committee dates:

Working bee and Pizza - 19 November

Get ready to help keep our school looking beautiful. 



If you want to get in touch about community events or about joining the team, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.