Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster Newsletter Term 3 Holidays


Year 5 and 6 students are working on their ‘Sharing the Planet’ unit where they have chosen an area of focus. 


Year 5 students will continue researching their area of interest during the holidays, ready to write their non-fiction piece in Week 1. They are delving into the issues and opportunities for change within their area of interest. Please ensure students are writing their research notes in their ‘Sharing the Planet’ book. 


Year 6 students will continue researching and will have produced a non-fiction piece by Friday this week. The expectation is that Year 6 students will find a media article or recent news report during the holidays, ready to reflect on in Week 1. We have spoken to students about creating an artifact (artwork, working model, etc) during the holidays that will be presented during exhibition. 


For both Year 5s and Year 6s, if you can visit places that inform students about their focus area, that would be brilliant! It will really help them to understand their area. This includes talking to people working in industries or having experiences in areas they are learning about. Some examples are:

  • The Constitutional Museum, next to Parliament House, has a display on the rights of women
  • Mawson Lakes has a solar farm.
  • Groups like the RSPCA and Baptist Care have programs for specific areas. 
  • Councils provide information on their thinking about planning.
  • Contacting people who are in occupations or are passionate about the things our students are inquiring into.
  • People who have experienced things related to their inquiry.

Happy Holidays!

David Gardner, Amy Hughes, Luke Napier

Recap of Term 3

Business Units