Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster Newsletter Term 3 Holidays


Year 1 Sleepover - Week 1, Term 4 

Friday 20th October 4.30pm  - Saturday 21st October, 8.30am 2023 

Sleepover Permission Forms were due Wednesday 27th September. Please return these ASAP or see the Toddle Post for another copy. 


We currently need one more male volunteer. If you would like to volunteer and have completed all volunteer requirements, please let your child’s teacher know of your expression of interest by this Friday. 


Photos and stories  

In Week 1, Term 4, we are asking students to bring in photos and stories about their birth or how they came to be in their families. This is to highlight how birth/fostering/adoption is celebrated in families and religious groups and is part of our Christian Studies unit. The children will include photos and stories in a book about themselves.  

You could also email photos/information to your class teacher to print. You are invited to briefly share these stories e.g. make a time to come into the classroom or to email a video. 

Please let your child’s teacher know if there is any sensitive information we need to be aware of when teaching this unit. 


Unit of Inquiry invitation 

During the holidays, your child could investigate how musical instruments work. If your child plays an instrument, they could take photos or bring something in to show the class in Week 1, Term 4.  


Students will be designing and making a push or pull toy (Year 1) or a musical instrument (Year 2) and they may like to work on this during the holidays. 



Boxes and tin cans/baby formula tins needed 

More materials are needed for creating the toys/instruments early next term. If you are able to help, please send them when you are able. 


May God bless your holiday break, 

Mel Arnold, Ellen Zimmer, Emily Gower  


Mel Arnold  

Ellen Zimmer  

Emily Gower