
Term 3 in Review

Term 3 has been a busy time for our Church through many events. See below for some of the activities and events.


Wow - what a term! Café Connect has had a very successful term and we thank all our patrons. We especially thank Kylie for the idea and introduction of the loyalty card holder. If you have a loyalty card, this is now a great place to store it! We also thank all the volunteers who have served and made many drinks - enjoy the time off!

Come on in next term to celebrate with us in our "New Opening Celebration" in week 1 - 

special items and prices to celebrate our new entranced!


Messy Church

Messy Music

Some Sad News...

Pastor Greg has announced that he and Connie have accepted a call to serve at Faith Lutheran College, Redlands, QLD. It has been a privilege to have Greg serving us as our Pastor for the past (almost) 8 years. Inevitably, pastors move on according to their calling, so whilst we are disappointed that Greg and Connie will no longer be part of our community, we must remember all that we have to be thankful for. Under Greg's spiritual leadership we have established a café ministry that is more effective at connecting with families from the primary school than ever before, an annual fete that invites thousands from our wider community into our space, a regular Christian education program that brings a diversity to our discipleship, a children's program that has navigated through challenging times and is growing steadily, weekly live-streamed services ongoing post-COVID, a prayer healing program that has a consolidated place in our mainstream services, an active school-church ministry partnership, and a new Messy Church initiative. No doubt this is an incomplete list. At this stage we expect that Greg will continue to serve at Golden Grove until late in the year - more information is to come in terms of departure date and celebrations planned. Please take the opportunity to wish Greg and Connie God's richest blessings in their new calling, and let's use the next few months to celebrate their time with us. Responding to a call is a significant disruption for the whole family so please remember Greg and Connie, Annelise, Patrick, Edward and Olivia in your prayers.

Ignite - Box City

Youth Group

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