Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 4 Week 10 - Friday 8th December


It’s hard to believe there are only one and a half weeks left of this term and therefore only one and a half weeks left with our beautiful Preppies. The teachers are feeling all the feels knowing they only have their classes for a short time. Excited for them to be growing up and having the experiences they'll enjoy in Grade 1 yet also getting sad as this fantastic year with your gorgeous children is ending soon. 

We have asked the Preps to come and visit us when we are all on yard duty in 2024!


What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy) 

This term, across the P-2 cohorts we have targeted teaching groups for Little Learners Love Literacy. Four mornings per week students make their way to their levelled group. It is here that they will be taught at the appropriate level for their ability. The teachers from p-2 know all the children and can scaffold and support each child.  We have been going to our Phonics groups each day, we have all learnt so much!


This week we have begun writing to our new grade 1 teachers to tell them a little about ourselves. We have included information like what helps us to learn best, how old we are, what our favourite food is and how many people in our family to name a few. We have made a draft copy and have written a good copy too.  We will add a drawing to them and then deliver them to our classroom teacher for 2024 when we find out our new teachers on U

Leader In Me:

We have been recapping all of the 7 habits so we are all familiar with them and ready to take our LIM knowledge into Grade 1!


We continue to explore different types of weather both locally and worldwide in Inquiry. We have been looking at the Indigenous Seasons. 


Specialist Days:

Monday - Health

Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music

Wednesday- Art/Culture & PE

Friday - Auslan




Important reminders:


We ask that readers are returned no later than WEDNESDAY 13th DECEMBER for the year. 

Prep KK Gifts will be given out to all preps next Thursday 14th. We kindly ask that each child brings in a $5 gift suitable for a boy or girl wrapped up.  If you have any questions please speak to Narelle or Michaela. A notice was sent home in blue pouches last Monday, if you would like this sent to you via email please let us know. 



Foundation Photos