Fantastic 3/4

Year 3/4 

Week 10, Term 4


We can’t believe it’s already the end of the 2023 school year, this year has really flown! We have loved teaching every single one of your children this year and have all been amazed at how much all the students have learned since the beginning of the year. 



 What have we been up to?

In literacy, the students have begun typing club two times a week. They are absolutely loving it! The purpose of the typing club is to build students' typing ability through speed and efficiency, as it is an essential skill for 21st learners. In writing, students have been looking at Procedural texts, this type of writing  provides step-by-step instructions or directions on how to do something. It is a form of informative writing that helps children understand and follow a sequence of actions to achieve a specific outcome. Students have been loving creating their own on a specific topic that they are interested in such as recipes, video game instructions, and classroom instructions. In reading, students have finished their novels they have been reading as a class and have started creating a book review on it. Students were encouraged to give their honest opinions of the book in detail and create their own front and back cover. 


In maths, the students have learned about data and statistics. They have looked at and interpreted different types of graphs, such as bar graphs, picture graphs, column graphs, and more. They also learned how tally marks are used, estimated and counted a different number of items, wrote down the information which can be analysed from the different graphs, discussed which questions could be asked from the different graphs, and also compared one different type of graph to another. The students even made their own graphs by coming up with their own questions to ask their class and choosing how they wanted to interpret the information they gathered from all the graphs they learned about.

In science, students are focusing on creating a poster on their chosen topic of Earth and Space Sciences. They were given the choice to do their project on  natural disasters such as bushfires, tsunamis, volcanoes ect or looking into dinosaur extinction. These will be presented in their leadership showcase day this coming Friday. The students have been extremely creative and put lots of hard work into displaying their knowledge, so they are very excited to show you!


In inquiry, the students have continued looking into Migration. For homework students were asked to interview someone they know who had migrated to Australia. They chose ten questions in which they thought were appropriate to ask in order to gather information for a biography. This week students have begun looking at the purpose of a biography and writing one themselves. These will also be presented in the leadership showcase day. 



The 3/4 team would like to wish each and every one of you a very safe and happy new year. We also wanted to thank you for all your teamwork this year and congratulate all the Year Three and Four students and wish them continued success in 2023. 


Important reminders

- Kris Kringle presents returned to classrooms (12/12)

- Le Page Step Up Day- Meet your 2024 Teachers (12/12)

-Last school assembly starting at 2.45-3.30. (15/12/23)

 Friday will be a Free Dress Day 

- 18/12 Alternative Programs - Pack Up Day - Any students attending are welcome to wear free dress

- 19/12 Alternative Programs - Pack Up Day - Any students attending are welcome to wear free dress 3.30pm Dismissal Tuesday 


