Principal Team Message

Term 4 - Edition no: 18, 2023


What a spectacular day it was at the recent Ripper Runfest! The vibrant energy, camaraderie, and enthusiastic participation from every corner of our community truly made this event a resounding success. From Green Meadows Park to the school oval, the spirit of togetherness and healthy competition was palpable.


One of the most heartening sights was the sea of new house colours adorning the dedicated participants. The commitment to representing their houses was not only commendable but also added a colourful vibrancy to the entire event. It was inspiring to witness students, parents, and even grandparents running the course, showcasing the diverse and intergenerational support for our school.


After conquering the run, everyone gathered for a well-deserved rest and some delightful lunch options. The aroma of sizzling sausages filled the air, thanks to the enticing sausage sizzle, and food trucks offered a variety of delicious choices, catering to every palate. 


The entertainment lineup was nothing short of spectacular. The Ripp Offs band had everyone on their feet, and our resident DJ spun cool tunes that kept the energy levels high. Laughter and cheers echoed around the school as community members celebrated not just the run but also the joy of being together.


The inclusion of additional attractions like hair stylists and face painting added an extra layer of excitement. Smiles were painted on faces, and creative hairstyles flourished as participants embraced the festive spirit. These activities proved to be a real hit, adding an extra touch of joy to an already exhilarating day.


None of this would have been possible without the dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. A special thank you goes to all the volunteers as their dedication ensured the success of this school fundraiser.


The Ripper Runfest wasn't just about fun and fitness; it was also a crucial fundraiser for the benefit of our junior students. The proceeds will contribute to the initiation of our Junior Playground Upgrade, enhancing the play experience for our younger learners.


Thank you to every individual and family who supported the Ripper Runfest. Your participation, enthusiasm, and generosity have left an indelible mark on our school community. Together, we've not only celebrated community spirit but also laid the foundation for a brighter future for our junior students.


Here's to the success of the Ripper Runfest and the unwavering spirit of the RPS community! 


Please read the Ripper Families article on the Ripper Runfest.


Congratulations on the recognition and award for the Koor Indigenous Garden at the 46th Annual Victorian Schools Garden Awards Presentation Ceremony! The beautiful weather at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne added to the joy of the occasion.


Ripponlea Primary School was honoured to receive an award from Biofilta Food Cubes, a testament to the outstanding gardening achievements of the students and the school community. The self-watering planting food cubes prize is an incredible addition to possibly the Koor Indigenous Garden or other gardens in our school. 


Pepi, Zoe, Emi and Eva members of the Sustainability Team graciously accepted the award, marking a moment of pride for the school and a well-deserved acknowledgement for the efforts put into maintaining and enhancing the school's gardens.


Well done on this achievement, and may the Koor Indigenous Garden continue to flourish as a symbol of dedication to sustainability and environmental stewardship.




We are all buzzing with excitement as we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr Leech and his wife, Elana, on the wonderful news of their expanding family. The Leech household is eagerly anticipating the arrival of a new bundle of joy, set to make its debut in May of 2024.


The announcement of a pregnancy is always a cause for celebration, and the RPS family is overjoyed to share in the happiness of Mr Leech and Elana as they embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood. 


In the spirit of the close bonds that define the RPS community, we eagerly anticipate the celebrations that will accompany the arrival of the newest Ripper baby. From baby showers to well-wishes, the collective joy of the RPS family will undoubtedly surround Braden and Elana as they prepare for the arrival of their little one.


Here's to the growing Ripper family and the beautiful journey that lies ahead!



Sometimes it takes a little while to find that ‘just right’ book. Then one day, when you’re least expecting it, one comes along which lights up your life. For these Year 1/2 students, it’s the new 'Football (Soccer) Super Stars' series. 


So excited are they with their ‘find’, that they’ve started up a little ‘Book Club’ on the Learning Deck next to the Oval. There they can read aloud sections from their books sharing the lives and fun facts about their players, looking for similarities, differences, facts and opinions and discussing all the ways in which their player has reached the pinnacle of their game and ……perhaps some inspiration for the future. We’re also delighted to see that there is a new female ‘Football Superstars’ series which is gaining momentum. 


Well done 1/2s and whatever you do, ENOY YOUR READING!!



Ripponlea Primary School is dedicated to nurturing not just academic excellence but also the development of well-rounded individuals prepared for leadership roles in the future. At the heart of this commitment lies the school's innovative and effective student leadership model, which empowers students to take on responsibilities, demonstrate initiative, and contribute positively to the school community.


One of the defining features of the student leadership model at Ripponlea Primary School is its inclusivity. Recognising that leadership potential exists in every student, the school offers a variety of leadership positions that cater to diverse talents and interests. From traditional roles like School Captains and House Captains to special positions in areas such as student wellbeing, student representative council, community service and events as well as environmental stewardship and sustainability. Every student has the chance to contribute their unique skills to the school community.


Leadership Training Programs: Unleashing Personal Potential & GRIPP Conference  

To equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their leadership roles we have implemented a comprehensive leadership training program. This program covers essential aspects such as effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students are given opportunities to attend a statewide conference, in-school training sessions, and weekly meetings to participate in experiential learning activities that foster the development of crucial leadership skills.


Mentorship and Support Systems:

Recognising that leadership can be a challenging journey, especially for young minds, Ripponlea Primary School has established mentorship and support systems. Experienced teachers and staff work closely with student leaders, providing guidance, encouragement, and a supportive environment for them to thrive. This mentorship not only enhances the leadership capabilities of students but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration.


The student leadership model begins with a rigorous application and interview process. Students interested in leadership positions submit applications outlining their qualifications, achievements, and visions for contributing to the school community. The interview process provides an opportunity for candidates to articulate their ideas, demonstrate leadership potential, and express their commitment to the responsibilities associated with the positions.


The preferential voting system contributes to fair representation and inclusivity within the student leadership. By allowing students to express their preferences in a ranked manner, the system accommodates diverse perspectives and ensures that elected leaders have the support of a significant portion of the student body. This fosters a sense of inclusivity and ensures that the leadership team represents the school's diverse interests.


Once the student leaders are elected, Ripponlea Primary School places a strong emphasis on post-election collaboration. The school encourages elected leaders to work together, regardless of individual positions, to achieve common goals for the benefit of the school community. This collaborative approach reinforces the idea that leadership is not just about holding a title but also about working collectively to bring positive change.


The journey to becoming a student leader is often challenging, and it requires dedication and a passion for making a positive impact on the school community. We wish all the candidates the best of luck in their endeavours, and may the elected student leaders contribute significantly to the growth and well-being of our school community!



The Australian Girls Choir (AGC) is a renowned performing arts organisation in Australia that focuses on providing high-quality musical education and performance opportunities for girls. The choir is known for its excellence in choral singing and has gained recognition both nationally and internationally. Each Year Mr. Griffiths invites the AGC to audition our students. 


The AGC offers training in vocal and performance skills to girls of various ages, and members of the choir often have the chance to participate in a range of performances, including concerts, musicals, and special events. It's an organisation that not only fosters musical talent but also contributes to the personal and artistic development of its members. 


Some of our talented Rippers are members of the Australian Girls Choir. The annual concert is held at Hamer Hall each year. Prior to the annual concert, there are many rehearsals for the songs and choreography. On Sunday the 13th of November - Allegro levels upward (Grade 3 and up) got the incredible opportunity to showcase their talents on the big stage (Hamer Hall holds 2500 people)! 


While they don’t allow footage inside the venue we can report it was a fantastic performance by all and a wonderful show! We missed seeing Saskia on stage, but can’t wait to do it all again next year with her. We also look forward to Odie’s Hamer Hall debut when she’s in Allegro too!  We’ve added some photos of the choristers. 


Congratulations to all RPS students who are members of the AGC - Rani,  Juliana, Dia, Harriet, and Jessie who showcased their talent. 


Wishing them continued success in their musical journeys!





In a remarkable display of unity, students from all walks of life across Australia recently participated in the Student Strike for Climate Action in the heart of the city. Among them were four passionate Rippers Eva, Emi, Pepi, and Zoe—who stood as symbols of a generation that refuses to remain silent in the face of the growing climate crisis.


The movement, which has gained momentum as one of the largest in Australian history, is not merely a call for environmental action but a testament to the power of inclusivity. These students, hailing from diverse backgrounds, races, genders, and sexualities, came together with a shared concern for the future of the planet they inhabit. It was a powerful demonstration that the fight against climate change knows no geographical, demographic, or cultural boundaries.


Eva, Emi, Pepi, and Zoe proudly carried signs that echoed their collective demand for urgent climate action. The message was clear: the time for complacency is over, and the responsibility to address the climate crisis rests squarely on the shoulders of those in power. Their signs read, "Our Future, Our Demands," encapsulating the urgency and agency felt by this generation in shaping the trajectory of their own lives.


Central to their demands is a commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy generation and exports by 2030. This ambitious goal reflects a recognition of the need for a rapid transition away from fossil fuels towards sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources. The call for renewable energy is not only a plea for a healthier planet but a demand for a secure and sustainable future for generations to come.


Moreover, the students emphasize the importance of a just transition and job creation for workers currently employed in the fossil fuel industry and their communities. This aspect of their demands underscores their commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of a more sustainable future. By calling for job creation within the renewable energy sector, they envision a transition that not only protects the environment but also safeguards the livelihoods of those directly impacted by the shift away from fossil fuels.


The student-led movement in Australia is part of a broader global trend where young people are taking the lead in advocating for environmental sustainability and climate action. The collective voice of the youth is becoming increasingly influential, challenging political leaders to address the urgent and intergenerational impacts of climate change. 


The movement is a testament to the fact that the younger generation is not only aware of the challenges ahead but is also determined to be an active part of the solution.

As Eva, Emi, Pepi, Zoe, and countless other students continue to make their voices heard, the world watches with anticipation. 


The youth-led climate movement is a beacon of hope, inspiring change, and challenging the status quo. Through their collective efforts, these students are not only demanding a better future but are actively working towards creating it. The question now is whether the political leaders will listen, recognizing that the future of the planet is inextricably linked to the actions we take today.


You can follow this link to the full article in the Age.




We are thrilled to announce the completion and unveiling of our Year 3/4 Art Installation at the front of the school—a testament to the creativity, collaboration, and dedication of our students and our wonderful artist-in-residence, Kimberley Mannix. 


The installation is a visual representation of what RPS instils in our students to achieve, which is to Care, Create, and Connect. Each piece is infused with the spirit of these principles, showcasing not only artistic prowess but also a deep understanding of the values that bind our school community together.


The journey doesn't end here—there are still some finishing touches to be made. We have exciting plans to enhance the visibility of these beautiful mosaics by undertaking a careful process of tree removal. This will ensure that the artwork can be appreciated not only by those within our school grounds but also by passersby on the street.


As we look forward to the start of the new year, the celebration will continue with the installation of the centenary pavers. These pavers will serve as the foundation for our Year 3/4 Art Installation, adding another layer of significance and marking the beginning of a new era for our school.


Thank you to Kimberley, our Artist in Residence, for guiding and inspiring our students throughout this artistic journey. And a special thank you to our Year 3/4 students for pouring their hearts into this project and creating a lasting legacy for our school.






Until next fortnight........


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

             Principal                                     Assistant Principal