Cebula Boarding

Boarding News

At last week’s New Boarders’ Orientation, we hosted 26 new boys who will join the boarding house in 2024. It was a great opportunity for them to start making friendship connections and begin the transition to boarding life. Our current boarders were excellent as buddies, ensuring that the new boys felt welcome and at ease.


This week has been a busy one for the Cebula Year 7/8 boys. In readiness for the commencement of the demolition of McDermott /Cranley House to make way for a new state of the art boarding facility, they have had to move to Daly or Hughes House for their last few days of term. This was done in high spirits and they are all enjoying having larger rooms in a new environment.  


In the last newsletter, I inadvertently omitted to add Will G (Year 11) to the list of boarders who received awards at Presentation Night earlier in the term. Congratulations to Will for his fine efforts in receiving the award for Maths Essentials.


A big thank you to Chef Martin and his team who put on a sumptuous Christmas Dinner on Monday evening complete with turkey and ham with all the trimmings, gingerbread cookies, fruit mince pies and Christmas bonbons. It was also wonderful to see that several school staff accepted the boys' invitations to join us at dinner – something I know the boys really appreciated. 


As a boarding community we rely on so many individuals to keep things ticking along. I would like to extend my personal thanks to our wonderful Housemothers Fiona Logan and Leigh Daff, our weekend and weekday supervisors, and the catering, laundry, cleaning and maintenance teams for their support. 


To all boarding parents, our work was made so much easier throughout the year with your understanding and help, and I thank you for partnering with us and allowing us to be part of your son’s journey throughout 2023.


To the young men of the Cebula Community, thank you for a great year!

I wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with health and happiness.


Annamaria Cream

Director of Boarding