Faith and Mission

    De Mazenod Family Charism Pilgrimage

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to all members of the De Mazenod Family to embark on a journey of discovery, reflection and connection. Originally designed for staff of Oblate Colleges attending an international education conference, the De Mazenod Family Education Network Charism Pilgrimage is now open to everyone eager to explore the profound heritage and spiritual legacy of our beloved founder, Saint Eugene de Mazenod.

The brochure and itinerary can be located on the OMI website

Vinnies Christmas Hampers

The De Mazenod Vinnies once again joined in with the students from St Brigid’s and the Our Lady of Lourdes, Lesmurdie, Vinnies Conference to pack the Christmas hampers for families needing assistance this Christmas. Both the Mazenod and St Brigid’s school communities gave generously, and the students where able to prepare 60 overflowing Christmas hampers. The De Mazenod Vinnies Conference also gave Vinnies a cheque for $5000. The donation was the result of the students’ enthusiastic fundraising throughout 2023. Thank you to all of our Mazenod and St Brigid’s families for giving so generously to our annual Vinnies Christmas Appeal.



Heavenly Father,

You sent your only Son into the world, to lead us to life through love, compassion and prayer, lived out in giving to others as modelled by Jesus in his earthly life. May this Advent inspire us to be alert to the needs of others as we wait for the coming of our Saviour. With St Eugene as our model and Mary as our guide, may our reflections on the Nativity show us the way to be more giving and loving. 

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.




Eugene had a great love for Mary, Mother of Jesus. He named the Congregation after her, ensuring all Oblates had a strong model to guide and protect them in their missionary work throughout their life. In what way is Mary a strong model for you? How often do you call on Mary to guide and protect you in your life and in what way do you do this?

MAMI Christmas Card Appeal 

Damian Wallis

Director of Faith and Mission