From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College,


At times, a school year seems to move slower than the traffic on the way to a Robbie Williams concert and then when you get to the end and look back, its somewhat staggering how quickly a year seems to pass. The end of the school year is a hectic, but exciting time.


One of the more recent events at the College was the Year 7/2024 Orientation Day, held on Friday 24th November. This day was a wonderful day of excitement and activities, superbly organised by Mrs Kerry Gault, our Head of Year 7, ably assisted by many staff. It was a wonderful gesture by our Year 10 students to forgo study and revision time to assist with the program.


We were blessed on our last day today to celebrate our Thanksgiving Mass, the central and most important part of our end of year events. It is an opportunity to give thanks for the year and to look forward to 2024. Our appreciation to Fr Bill Ousley OMI for celebrating our Mass and to Mr John Keogh for his assistance with the organisation. Mass was followed by our final College assembly and on both occasions, we were reminded of the real meaning and importance of Christmas.


It is important at the end of the school year to acknowledge the staff who are departing our College or commencing periods of leave. Much has been much spoken about, but little can be said to capture the incredible contributions that Mr Jeff Ronan has made since his first arrival as a Year 6 student in 1970. After more than 50 years, we are indebted to Mr Ronan for his 43 years of dedicated service as a teacher, Head of Year, Deputy Principal and also stints as the Acting Principal. We know that Mr Ronan won’t be lost to Mazenod and we look forward to his continued presence, in whatever regard, in the future. Thank you Jeff.


I would like equally to acknowledge Mr Jake Delaney who moves to Sacred Heart College after 17 years of service at Mazenod College, Mr Dan Jonkov is moving to Fremantle College in a Drama teaching role after 10 years here, Mr Daniel Beros has completed 5 years with us and is joining Wesley College, after nearly four years as our Aboriginal Teaching Assistant, Mr Aaron Haji-Ali embarks on his full-time teaching position at St Mary’s College in Broome and Ms Jessica Hewett, who has been on leave, was recently appointed to a position at Santa Maria College.


Ms Rachel Walker (English) and Miss Maisy Watson (English and Drama), both completed temporary contracts this year at our College. We are most appreciative of their efforts and contributions during those times and wish them well at their new schools.

We also extend our best wishes to staff embarking on leave in 2024 – Mrs Penny Worthington, Ms Michelle Edwards and Mrs Debra Needham are taking long service leave in Semester One. I thank all staff for their hard work, efforts and contributions this year to again make Mazenod College the amazing community that it is.


I would also like to take this opportunity to wish our very best to those students and families not returning in 2024. We thank them for the support and cooperation forged between the College and home and wish them well in the future.

I would like to thank all in our community for your efforts in making 2023 a successful year. We continue to grow both as a community and as individuals, we love that learning is ever-present, the challenges we face make us better and stronger, we have dedicated time and energy to enhancing the lives of others and we continue to build and grow our friendships and sense of community. Mazenod College is a very special community indeed.

Whilst we acknowledge the end of one year and the period of rest and relaxation prior to the commencement of the next, it is important to maintain a focus on the joy and happiness of Christmas. This time of the year is one of joy, wonder and happiness for Christians the world over. From the moment of Mary’s Immaculate Conception to the birth of Jesus, we are reminded of the challenges and barriers that we inevitably have to meet in our lives. More importantly, we reflect that God’s love for us is our strength in overcoming these obstacles.

I would like to wish all of our students and families, the blessings of a happy and holy Christmas and a safe return in 2024. May God’s blessings of peace and love characterise your festive season.


“May you have the spirit of Christmas which is PEACE,

The gladness of Christmas which is HOPE,

And the heart of Christmas which is LOVE...



God bless.


Simon Harvey
