School Information

Office Hours: 8.15am - 4.00pm
Telephone: 03 9589 2619
Phone/in-person appointments with teachers must be made via the school email:
Student absences should be reported to the school before 9.00am via the Compass portal or phoning the school office. Any unexplained absences will result in parents/guardians receiving an email at 9.30am on the day of non-attendance requesting they update Compass with the reason for non-attendance.
In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you that the school day starts promptly at 9.00am. If your child is late for any reason, please sign in at the office via the Compass Kiosk and obtain a late pass to be given to the supervising teacher.
Please ensure that if your child is leaving early that they are signed out at the office using the Compass Kiosk and your child will be paged to come to the office.
Facebook: Beaumaris Primary School
How we communicate with parents/carers:
Channel | Details | Schedule |
Compass: (link emailed to Parent A) | Statement of Intent (SOI): Every two weeks our teachers produce a fortnightly planner for each year level. This document sets out an intention of what will be taught in the classroom. | Bi-weekly |
“Event” notifications and permission/payment requests: for excursions, incursions, sports days | Issued 6 weeks prior to the event if payment over $100 is required. Issued 4 weeks prior to event if parent involvement is required. Issued 2 weeks prior to event if payment is under $100, or only parent consent is required. Reminder issued 1 week prior and each subsequent day only for those who have not consented/paid, until cut-off date is reached. | |
Reminders for classroom activities. | Emailed by classroom teacher as required. | |
Compass (online resources) | School annual calendar | Updated as events are confirmed |
Class weekly timetable | Loaded on first day of each term. | |
Semester Reports | Available at the end of Term 2 and 4 Accessible from date of issue until final day of Year 6. Parents to download and retain. | |
Stop Press | Key dates, whole school news, bi-weekly year level summary for the week. Message from the Principal | Link emailed via Compass every Thursday during term. |
School Website | Self-service portal. Statement of Intent, Stop Press archive, School Policies, BPS Annual Report, Strategic Plan, Annual Implementation Plan. | Current copies loaded when available. |
Photographs of special activities within the classroom/whole school events | On day of activity, or subsequent day. | |
Whole School Assembly | Student led assembly, celebrates and showcases classroom activities and programs/events occurring at school. | Friday 3pm during term times (weather permitting). Parents welcome to attend. Compass message by 12noon if cancelled. |
Parents to email school for the attention of the teacher: Teacher to reply via Compass. | ||
Class Reps | Communication between parents for social events and parent club information. Specific requests from teachers. |