Level Low Downs
Year 5 Bike Hike
Level Low Downs
Year 5 Bike Hike
WOW what a big few weeks the Preps have had as they celebrate finishing their first year of primary school. We are incredibly proud of all their achievements this year, they have lots to celebrate! The love for learning, the new friendships they have made and the memories they will carry with them forever. We wish you and your families a happy, healthy and safe holidays and thank you all for a wonderful year. See you all at the Christmas Carols on Monday!
Wow! What a huge end to the year. Over the past few weeks, the Year 1’s have enjoyed an active day out at Springers, the Junior Sports Carnival, Christmas Carols and celebrated the achievements of the year with a pizza lunch and icy poles. Amongst all this, we have also been counting down to Christmas by doing Book-vent! Book-vent is our spin on an advent calendar where each student has brought in their favourite book to unwrap and enjoy with their class each day. Merry Christmas everyone on behalf of the Year 1 cohort and team. We hope you have the most amazing holidays.
Thank you to all our parents for a wonderful 2023. We have sung at farewell assemblies, completed out Health projects and baked gingerbread trees. Our good byes, to friends leaving, have started. Our ‘Meet the Teachers’ visits were super exciting.
We wish all our families a fabulous holiday season. Looking forward to 2024.
Year 3 we have had a wonderful final couple of weeks. We enjoyed a pizza lunch, House Junior Carnival, Christmas craft and lots of fun times together making lasting memories of our school year in 2023. We are so proud of all the hard work the students have put into their learning this year. We will certainly miss them and hope they come back to visit us in the yard! We wish all Year 3 students and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Year 3 Teachers :)
The Year 5 team would like to wish all the students and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year . We congratulate all the students on a wonderful year and wish them all the very best for Year 6.
The Year 6 students braved the weather and had a great time at the Mentone Life Saving Club. They enjoyed a fish and chip lunch to celebrate the end of Year 6. We will wish them farewell tomorrow morning at a special assembly at 9am.