Music at Marion

Children who are in Years 3-6 in 2024 have the opportunity to show an expression of interest in joining the school string program next year.  As the program is taught by Department for Education Instrumental Music Service (IMS) teachers there are no tuition fees.

Students in Years 3-6 are able to access instrumental instruction from the Instrumental Music Service (IMS) at school during school hours. Instruments available at our school from this service include violin, viola and cello.  A note went home this week to complete and return to the school by the end of the term. 


When considering your child’s involvement in the instrumental music program, please think about­:

  • Costs involved – hire/purchase of an instrument, additional music books.
  • Commitment – from parents – encouraging and reminding your child to practice regularly and often, to bring their instrument on lesson days, viewing their instrumental music diary weekly, attending performances etc.
  • From your child – to keep trying and stick with it. It can take a long time before much progress is seen or heard.
  • Time out of the classroom – usually this is not able to be made up and your child will miss that lesson. Some teachers may expect your child to finish work missed in their own time.

The school has its own instruments available to hire but if we require any additional instruments we use an external provider, so owning an instrument is not a pre-requisite to participating in the program. If you are planning to purchase an instrument ensure that you obtain advice about appropriate instruments and sizing before purchasing.


Music Practice over the holidays 


Find the two YouTube links, please.


1-From the class singing & playing.

Jingle Bells from the class Singing & Playing - YouTube

Adam Nanou

Master Of Teaching

Graduate Diploma in Music Teaching

Bachelor of Music (Classical Performance, Violin)

Strings Teacher (YouTube)

Curriculum and Learning Division