Play At Lunchtime Club

Our Play At Lunchtime Club (PALS) has concluded for 2023. It has been a wonderful year that has provided many opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership and support for fellow students. 

We are looking for interested leaders to consider coming on board and helping out in 2024.


Below is an excerpt from Toby, one of our Year 6 Leaders from this year about the exciting leadership opportunities this role provided him:


As a current Year 6, leadership opportunities (as I have had many) has helped me get into specialist programs at high school. One of my favourite shows of leadership is the PALS program.

The PALS program is a great show of leadership and I (along with Maddison) have had a lot of fun supporting younger students (Grade 3 and under) and help them gain friends. As  Maddison and I lead the students, it is a great show of leadership and helped me get into the top 25 students in the Thiunk Bright Specialist Program at Brighton Secondary School. I had to submist a 2-minute video of how I show evidence of leadership, evidence of creativity and more. I used evidence of leadership to list this experience. Thanks to Denys, I have had fun leading but as this will be my last year here at Marion Primary School, we will put the word out to students who next year will be Year 5/6 to lead PALS since Maddy and I are both Year 6's this year. The opportunity and experience gained is well worth it. 


We encourage all Year 5/6 students to consider leading the PALS program and will be providing more information to students at the beginning of next year. 


Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all families.


Denys Chew

Pastoral Care Worker