Principal's Report 

Issue No 36 -  23 November 2023

Term 4 - Week 8

School Concert

On with the show! Tonight sees our annual school concert performance in ‘The Shed’ at St Francis of the Fields. Doors will open at 6:15pm, for a 6:30pm start. Families will have received information last Friday (via email) in regards to costumes and further details about the evening (information also attached to 'General School Information' page).


Again, we thank Mrs Bourke for the large number of hours she has put in to get this performance ready to go.


We look forward to seeing you all on tonight to watch an amazing show.


Details are as follows:  

Concert Performance - Thursday, 23rd November

Venue - St Francis of the Fields Shed, Strathfieldsaye

Performance details:

  • students to arrive at 6:15pm for 6:30pm start
  • Juniors (P-2) perform 6:30pm for approximately 20 to 25 minutes
  • Short intermission - juniors can stay with families to watch the next performance or go home
  • Seniors (Gr 3-6) perform approx. 7pm to 8pm

Pupil Free Day

A reminder that this Friday 24 November is a Pupil Free Day. Teachers will be using this day to write end of year reports.


Upcoming Dates for your calendar

Week 8

  • Friday 24th November
    • Pupil Free day (staff report writing)

Week 9

  • Monday morning Assembly 9am
  • Tuesday 28th November
    • 2024 Prep Transition session, 9:15-10:15am
  • Wednesday 29th November
    • Gr 5 Ten Pin Bowling
    • School Advisory Council Meeting 6pm
  • Thursday 30th November
    • Gr 1/2 Mass 9am
    • Gr 6 Ten Pin bowling
  • Friday 1st December
    • Just Leadership Day (selected Gr 5 students)
    • Assembly - 3JS presenting 3pm

Prep - Grade 2 Tabloid Sports 

What a fabulous day the Prep-2 students had last Friday morning for the Tabloid Sports. Lots of fun, colour, running, jumping and throwing. Thank you to Mrs Vaughan for all her organisation and to the Gr 6 students for running the activities.


Next Thursday, 30th November, the Grade 1 & 2 children will celebrate Mass at 9am.


Transition 2024 Preps

The 2024 Preps began their transition session this week. All were excited to meet new friends, the Prep teachers and see what’s inside the classroom. The next session will be on Tuesday 28th November, 9:15-10:15am. Parents and families are welcome to stay for a coffee in the Hall.


This is a great opportunity for new parents to ask questions of current families and get to know others.


Start of 2024

School commences for students on Tuesday 30th January.


God Bless 

Sharee Whiteacre 

Acting Principal