

The excitement in their eyes as students sprint around at play time showing off their PosiSchools PosiSocks. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing this! Many students sprint up to me and point to their socks with a gleam of pride, some just share that they are 'modelling' their socks, some share some gratitude, and some explain what they are focusing on in class.


Preps are focusing on Kindness

Grade 1s are focusing on Gratitude

Grade 2s are focusing on Curiosity 

Grade 3/4s are focusing on Connection

Grade 5/6s are focusing on Mindset


Each day, each class will focus on their topic for a quick 10 minutes. They will participate in discussions, activities, or tailored tasks to bring their focus to the forefront of their mind. Research shows that by committing to focus on a goal for 21 days straight, to pursuit of the goal should become a habit. 


Two highlights for me so far have been when the grade 2 students (who are focusing on curiosity) were encouraged to try new fruits. Be curious about their flavour and in one case what they name means. Nearly all students tried all of the four fruits, showing curiosity and bravery. Well done Grade 2s.


The Grade 5/6 students are focusing on their mindsets, and have specifically looked at growth mindsets. Growth mindsets means that people believe that their skills can be developed by taking feedback, learning from experience, and coming up with strategies for improving. The classes have chosen a positive affirmation that they resonate with, and have placed it on a bookmark. This bookmark is placed in one of their books that they will use the following day. When they open their book to that page to begin their task, they can reread their positive affirmation and take some time to resonate with the words. 


Meet our student counsellor, Winter

I am Winter, the new school counsellor at Rolling Hills Primary School. 

I am a Master of Counseling student from Monash University. I am excited to work with your child and support their academic and personal development. I am here to support both students and parents. 

Please feel free to reach out to me during my office hours, or you can contact me via email: winter1027ymw@gmail.com. I am always happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.


Thank you so much.

Kind regards,



I'd like to shout out to a new family who is joining us next year in Prep. Amanda and her son George B were unable to attend the working bee on Friday afternoon, yet popped in on Friday morning and offered to volunteer their time. Thank you so much!