Grade 1 and 2

2023 Wrap up

The Grade 1s and 2s have had a fabulous year and we thought it would be nice to reflect back on some of amazing things we have done!


In term 1 we learnt about Communities and went for a visit to the CFA to learn about what they do for our community. We also went on an epic walk through our local community visiting the Community garden, Warrandyte Police Station, Warrandyte Bakery and Warrandyte Library. Healthy Harold came to visit and we had a hockey clinic, a FOGO incursion and a sustainable fashion incursion.


In term 2 we commemorated Anzac Day, participated in cross country at the local sports oval, played mini hoops and downball tournaments and prepared for Mother's Day celebrations. During Education week we watched an indigenous incursion, held a school open afternoon and had our Grandparents / special people into the classroom for a visit. We had uncle Chris the zoologist bring in his animals to show us, we watched the National Simultaneous story time and we went on a bus and visited Edendale Farm for a day!


Term 3 saw our school concert where the Grade 1's and 2's shone on stage. Professor Bunsen came to visit to tie in with our Inquiry unit We are Changemakers. We headed to Doncaster Athletics track for athletics day. We dressed as our favourite characters for Book Week and watched an amazing performance of one of the CBCA favourites - Jorn's Magnificent Imagination. Father's Day saw us having breaky at school with our dads and footy day where we dressed in our favourite team gear and had pies for lunch.


In Term 4 the Water Watchers from Yarra Valley water came to teach us about conserving water and we had another school disco. We started POSI schools and wore our POSI socks each Friday. We spent some time preparing and getting ready for our school sleepover and then we did it - we stayed the night at school! There was a cricket clinic, we commemorated Rememberance Day and we had an Emergency Services Showcase at school. We had swimming lessons everyday for two weeks and we practised our carols and performed them beautifully at both the school carols night and the Warrandyte Carols night.


What a year! We wish all our grade 1's and 2's and their families and safe, fun and restful holiday and look forward to seeing you all back at school next year!