A Message from Parents & Friends

Hi everyone,
Another fortnight has passed so quickly and now we’re racing ahead to the end of term! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our fundraising, not only this term but the whole year.
Here’s an update on what’s happening for the remainder of this term and an insight into what is happening in 2024!
Bogan Bingo - Friday 17th November
What a fantastic night was had for our inaugural Bogan Bingo night. Thank you to the 78 people who bought tickets, brought along friends, embraced the theme (some of you a little too well) and for engaging in the games and the night in general.
A huge thank you to our bingo caller Anna McMahon and her “tech assistant” for making the night all techie and creating a wonderful set of Bingo games and it goes without saying our MC for the night Meagan from Moe who just completed the night. Also thank you to all of Anna’s helpers who set up, and helped out during the night.
We raised a total of $1727.36 which has been added to our running total for the new STEM facilities.
Friday Treats
There are still some spaces available for people to come and help sell icy poles on Friday lunches. To see what dates are free, please click on this link below:
Please note that the last day for icy poles will be Friday 15th December.
Upcoming Events
End of Year Raffle
Tickets have now gone home with the eldest child from each family - make sure you check their bags! Each ticket is $1 or you can buy the book for $5. Please write your names on the tickets and return to your child’s teacher with the correct change by Wednesday 6th December. The draw will take place on Thursday 7th December at the end of year concerts.
We have some great prizes up for grabs including AFL tickets, Mini golf vouchers, chocolate hampers to name a few!
We are still looking for unused, unopened items that our community might be able to donate. We’re talking, toys, chocolates, xmas items (decorations, wrapping as an example), etc… things that we can add to our raffle. It needs to be in excellent condition and unopened (we’re not an op shop)! Please leave items near Cam’s office.
We are also still in need of some volunteers to come and help organise the raffle prizes on Tuesday 5th December. If you’re able to help, please sign up here:
Community Cookbook 2024 (but we need you now)!
Thank you to everyone who brought in a recipe and a sample on Monday, they were all really delicious. We understand that this is a crazy time of year for our community, so if you have a recipe that you or your child would like to submit, please drop just the recipe to the office by Thursday 7th December. We’re keen for some savoury and brekkie recipes, something that might fit into these categories:
- Lunchbox Fillers
- Just like Nonna’s
- Quick dinners (you know the ones you prep in advance or make on sports nights)
- Brekkie inspiration
These recipes can be your children's recipes that they like to cook, yours, or family/ friends that you love so much. They can be printed out or handwritten - even better if you can submit a photo in the coming weeks should you make it!
We will then notify the selected entries and commence work on the layout.
Then, once we return back to school in 2024, we will be launching a competition for the children to design a front cover for the cookbook.
This book will be available to purchase from Mid-March.
Why are we starting so early you may ask?
Given the school holidays and launching this book in time for Harmony Week in March, we are aiming to get in a position to go to print by the end of February 2024. The recipes are the key and we know that December is a very busy time of year for all our families.
We really hope that our school community embraces this idea and submits a recipe. Families can submit more than one if they wish (but only one may or may not be selected).
We will be adding hints and tips throughout the book to recommend how to make recipes gluten free or vegan/ vegetarian/ halal/gluten friendly too.
Over the last few months, Parents & Friends have been working with David and our School Council to get approval on an events schedule for 2024 and we’re delighted to share it with you. We have decided that we would give a big fundraiser (fete or colour explosion) a rest and hold a fete in 2025 (but the good news is that planning for it starts this year).
We have worked out a wonderful inclusive schedule and have already started work on some of the events for Term 1. We hope our school community gets behind these events and enjoys what we have on offer as these are what makes our community unique and special by connecting parents, students & staff.
School Council have confirmed that our fundraising for 2024 will be working towards a new sound system and large screen under Gumbuya to improve and support our school events like assemblies and performances.
New Prep Parents Morning Tea - Thursday 1st February
We are going to set up tea and coffee under Gumbuya from 9am on the first day our new preps start. This is a welcome area for the new prep parents dropping their little ones on their first day.
If you’re happy to stay and help after drop off, please can you sign up here:
Bunnings BBQ, Altona North - Saturday 17th February
We have been allocated a spot at Bunnings Altona North to run a BBQ early in Term One. If you can check the sign up and volunteer to help out with an hour and half shift, please sign up here:
We’re really excited for what lies ahead for next year.
Have a great weekend.
Parents & Friends Committee