Dates to remember

2023 Dates to Remember
Term Dates
Term 1: 27th January - 6th April
Term 2: 24th April - 23rd June
Term 3: 10th July - 15th September
Term 4: 2nd October - 20th December
5th: 2024 Prep Parent Information Night
5th: Last day Uniform Shop is open for 2023
7th: End of Year Concert
8th: School Assembly @ 2:30pm (Grade 1H presenting)
12th: Final Step-Up Day
14th: Grade 6 Graduation Night
15th: Christmas Fun Day
18th: Adventure Park (Grade 6)
18th: Student Reports go live on Compass
20th: School Assembly @ 12:30pm
20th: Last Day for 2023 - Students finish at 1:30pm
Term 1: 29th January - 28th March
Term 2: 15th April - 28th June
Term 3: 15th July - 20th September
Term 4: 7th October - 20th December
30th: First day of school for grades 1 - 6
1st: First day of school for Prep 2024
15th: AGPS Swimming Trials
22nd: Grade 5 & 6 Life Saving Education Program
27th: Laverton District Swimming Sports
1st: Family Fun Night
6th: Hobson's Bay Division Swimming Sports
8th: Curriculum Day - Students not required at school on this day
13 - 15th: Naplan Testing - Grades 3 & 5
1st: School Photos
9th: AGPS Athletics Carnival
9th: Prep - 2 Sports Fun Day