Paul Dawson   Bradley Headlam   Sarah Bridges

Brad Smallman   Ryan Mills

Acting Assistant Principals

Year 12 Exams

The Unit 3-4 VCE exams finished on 15/11/2023. Students have approached the exams with maturity. They were well prepared, punctual, and aiming to achieve their best results.

Year 12 Graduation

We are looking forward to celebrating with the 2023 cohort and their families on Graduation Evening on 21/11/23. The venue, GMHBA Stadium, is a great backdrop for students as they walk across the stage to collect their NGSC Graduation Certificates.

Thanks to Sherryn Martin, Aaron Milsome and Joel McDougall for putting this event together. The night will be a celebration of 13 years of schooling and the many stories behind our students achieving their dream of graduating from High school.

Year 12 2024 Commencement

Year 11 exams have finished, and students have started their commencement program. The program runs for two weeks and aims to provide students with the course overview and assessment. Students will be introduced to course work and are expected to be engaged with set work over the summer break to ensure they are fully prepared for the final year of schooling.

Year 10 Exams

Year 10 exams commenced on Monday 13 November and were held over the week, beginning with English. 

Year 11 2024 Commencement

Students in Year 10 will begin their Year 11 subjects/studies during weeks 8 and 9. 20/11/20230 - 1/12/2023. The program runs for two weeks and aims to provide students with an introduction to the requirements and expectations for VCE /Vocational Major and subject overviews and assessment. Students will be introduced to course work and are expected to be engaged with set work over the summer break to ensure they are fully prepared for their final year of schooling.

Year 9 Exams

Year 9 exams will commence for the week beginning 27/11/2023.

Year 7 and 8 Exams

Exams will be held during the week beginning 20/11/2023. Students are busily preparing for these exams, and they are a great preparation for the senior years program.