VPC Mambourin visit

On Wednesday 22nd of November, the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) students attended an excursion to Mambourin Enterprises, in Derrimut. The students were able to do a tour of the warehouse facility and had the opportunity to learn about school-based traineeships (SBATs) and how it could look for them if they choose to complete their Structured Workplace Learning through Mambourin next year. We also saw the work they complete there, including wrapping and transporting, as well as packing and sorting a range of goods and products. After our tour was completed, we went for a drive and enjoyed some activities and lunch at Altona Beach. The day was amazing, and it was fantastic to see the excitement on the faces of all the students who attended as well as the relationships they formed with their peers and staff.
-Ben Scicluna