Wellbeing @ NPS

Look after yourselves.

As we near the end of the year (Silly Season), it becomes increasingly important to take care of ourselves and our children. All parents and carers need support to build confidence and skills or to discuss specific concerns. 

Online and phone support

  • Confidential, anonymous counselling and support for parents and carers of children of all ages. Call 13 22 89 or visit Parentline.
  • Resources and advice on supporting your child’s mental health and links to 24/7 phone support line for children and teens at Kids Helpline - parents.
  • Free parent coaching service at One on One Support.
  • Free specialist LGBTIQ+ helpline with information, support, and referrals for all LGBTIQ+ Victorians, their friends and family at Rainbow Door.
  • Parents and carers of transgender and gender diverse children can get peer support, information, referrals and connections at Parents of Gender Diverse Children.
  • Transcend provides peer support, information, advocacy and connections to parents and carers of transgender and gender diverse children.

Parenting programs

More information on Victorian Government Services for parents and carers.