School Council

School Council Newsletter
On Thursday 19 October, School Council met to discuss all things Policy, Curriculum and Finance.
The policies up for review this month were the Medication Policy, which outlines who has the authorisation to administer medication to students and the First Aid Policy. The committee considered how minor injuries can be better communicated to parents and guardians, this will be reflected in an update to the First Aid Policy.
Like all state schools, WVPS must comply with all state government policies written and distributed by the Department of Education. There are many policies our school must adhere to which can be found on our website:
In addition to these policies, school staff have a duty of care and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. One of these obligations is to ensure staff and students all use sun protection at school. Kids are encouraged to wear sunscreen while playing outside and during terms 1 and 4, must wear a hat at recess and lunch.
Which brings me to my next point, there are so many hats in lost and found. Please mark all your children's property with their first and last name (not initials) and if there is space, pop in the class too. This will help staff return lost items to their rightful owner.
School Council has endorsed curriculum days for 2024. These are in line with previous years and include: 29 January, 30 January, 14 February & 4 November. There will be a professional practice day which has not yet been set.
Finally we got to tick off a fun excursion for the Grade 1’s in November, and the Parents & Friends group have a couple of final fundraisers to round out an amazing year. Make sure you get some raffle tickets when they go on sale.
Our next School Council meeting is scheduled for 16 November, this will be on site and all are welcome to attend.
Sharon Gatt
School Council President