School Captain's Message

Hello Teachers, Students, and Parents of WVPS,
On the 1st of November the School's Captains departed to a school leadership forum, held at the Werribee Islamic College. MP Joanne Ryan facilitated this forum. She has a long background in Education and was once a Principal, so education is a passion of hers.
We had the opportunity to work with other student leaders from many schools in the Wyndham area. We answered questions about our school and asked questions about other schools. We were proud to share the programs and initiatives we have at our school, such as student voice, the JSC , Green Team, House Captains and Active Travel.
We wrote a speech about what we think is important or needs to be changed in the school and wider community. Joanne Ryan opened our eyes to some wider community issues such as the importance of emergency services, environment/climate change and the importance of respect. Overall, we had a great time, sharing ideas with the other schools.
Yemi - School Captain
Mae - Vice Captain