Wellbeing & Partnerships

Our Body Education sessions with Kelly Nash have successfully begun! Kelly was very happy with the number of parents who participated online in her information session on Wednesday evening. So far, our Grade 1s, 2s and 3/4s have had an educational session with the remainder of the school due to take part in Week 8.


We would really appreciate any feedback you may have about this year’s sessions. Please email any comments to admin@safranksth.catholic.edu.au


A Lovely Day for a Reward

Class Dojo points always create a stir - particularly when the class work together to reach their goal! Grade 1BD were able to choose how they would like to celebrate achieving their collective points. They decided upon a Teddy Bear’s picnic. Well done Grade 1BD - we love seeing a class working so well together!

Community Benefits


Need support?


The Orange Door Services



The Orange Door contact:

Bayside Peninsula

1800 319 3539am to 5pm Monday to Friday (closed public holidays)


  • 60-64 Wells Street, Frankston 3199
  • 184 Salmon Street, Hastings 3915

NCCD  - Information Sheet for Parents and Carers


Stay Connected

Stay up to date with what's going on and reminders through our school Facebook page.




You can add our Community Calendar to your computer or smartphone by having Google Calendar installed and clicking on the following link: 


CSEF - Camps, Sports, and Excursions Fund

The Camps, Sports, and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like: school camps or trips, swimming and school-organised sports programs, and outdoor education programs.

Please find the 2023 application form attached. Eligibility Date for concession card holders' CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/carer concession card being validated successfully with Centrelink on the first day of either term one (30 January 2023) or term two (24 April 2023).