Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Week two has proven to be a busy one!

On Monday, Dave awarded certificates to students, who had participated in last term's Maths Competition. Congratulations to Hugh.D, Eloise, Samara, CJ, Caleb.M, Griff, Luella, Arthur, Sunni, Hugh.C, Tully, Nate, Bella, Ari, Dandy, Shelby.

On Tuesday, students in Years 4-6 spent the day learning about their local emergency services and how they, as individuals, can prepare for and respond to an emergency situation.  

The activities included learning about: what to have in a home emergency kit and their own personal 'pillowcase' emergency kit;  learning about how fire behaves and when you can and can't have a camp fire; making an emergency call to 000 and looking after your own mental health through identifying helpful and unhelpful thoughts, keeping active and practising mindfulness.  Students also had the opportunity to explore the equipment used by the emergency services such as CFA and SES as well as the insides of a  Police divvy van!   Many thanks to the various services, organisations and volunteers who joined us on the day, and for the knowledge and enthusiasm they shared with our students.    


Today, students in Years 3 and 4 headed off to camp.  Everyone is excited and we look forward to sharing some highlights with you next week.  A big thank you to Kathryn, Kath, Deirdre, Nathan, Belinda, Lee and Jarrod who will be supporting our students on this adventure camp.


Congratulations to those students who participated in last Friday's Regional Athletics.   In the finals, Sophie placed 4th in Long Jump, Annabelle placed 3rd in Triple Jump,  Dandy placed 4th in the 200m, Eli placed 4th in Triple Jump and Rowan placed 6th in Triple Jump.  


As a school we are conscious of the many different emotions our children and families may be experiencing, in repsonse to the recent referendum and world wide events.  Below are some resources and services that may be of assistance. 

Helping my children after trauma: A guide for parents.


The Mount Beauty Amateur Swimming Club is currently seeking new volunteers and members.  Please see our community notices for further details.


We would love your feedback about what the fourth language should be on the planned Peace Pole. Please email us at the office with your suggestions.


On Saturday the 4th November (Melbourne Cup Long Weekend), our school will celebrate its 75th Birthday!  

Students past and present, their families and staff are invited to join us for this special event which will involve a brief assembly, the ceremonial cutting of a birthday cake and a tour of the school.  More information will be provided as details are confirmed.