Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Next Thursday, 9 November 2023, the Year 2 students will participate in their first Information Session for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The session will take place in the Church and surrounding rooms at 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Please keep these students in your prayers over the coming weeks. 


Did you know…..

This Sacrament is also called the Sacrament of Penance. 

There are four parts to this Sacrament:

Contrition - where we acknowledge that we need forgiveness

Confession - where we ‘confess’ our sins to God - through the Priest

Absolution - where our sins are ‘absolved’ or forgiven through words spoken by the priest

Penance - where we spend some time in prayer reflecting on how we might act differently or make better choices in what we do and how we think.  


The Act of Contrition is the Prayer that is said by the ‘repentant’ during Reconciliation:

O my God, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you because you are so good, and with your help, I will not sin again. 

Congratulations Deacon Zeljko! 

This Saturday Deacon Zeljko will celebrate his ordination to the Priesthood at St Mary's Cathedral. We wish him the very best in his ministry and congratulate him on his Ordination!

October - the month of the Rosary

In the previous fortnight’s Newsletter, I spoke about how the students were invited to pray a decade of the Rosary around the statue of Mary (near the Staffroom) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It was beautiful to see many of the students spend part of their recess or lunchtime, in prayer on these days. Our younger students were well represented! A huge thank you too to some of our Year 6 Pope Francis recipients who were there to help lead the Rosary on these days. 

Remembrance Day 

As a school, we will gather on Monday 13 November 2023, for our Remembrance Day Service. 


Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the guns falling silent on the Western Front in the First World War. This happened at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. 


The first Remembrance Day was held on 11 November 1919, one year after the war ended. As a nation, we pause each year on the 11 November at 11am to pause and remember all those who have served and died as a result of war. 


On this day we can ensure that the memories of those who fought and died for our freedom are never forgotten. It is a time to reflect on the horrors of war, the bravery of soldiers, and the impact of their sacrifices on our lives. Through ceremonies, parades, and moments of silence, we come together as a community to honour their memory and express our gratitude.


The day also serves as a reminder of the importance of peace and unity. It prompts us to strive for a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue and understanding rather than violence. It encourages us to work towards a future where the sacrifices of the past are not in vain.


The final Prayer for the Service reminds us…..

Loving Father,

you always hold and protect us in your love.

Grant eternal rest to those who have died protecting our nation from the horror of war.

Help us to remember them and honour what they have done by respecting them and never forgetting them. 

Where war  rages in our world, we pray that your peace will reign.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

Sydney Catholic Schools Art Competition

Congratulations to each of the students from our school who had their artworks chosen to enter the SCS's annual Art competition. We have some incredible young artists at OLF!


Special mention to Olive M and Eneeki M (Year 5)  who had their artworks selected as finalists for the Sydney Catholic Schools Art Competition. This is quite an achievement for these students (and for our school!) 


Olive and Eneeki, and their families, have been invited to celebrate Mass at St Benedict’s Catholic Church and then to view the exhibition and winning artworks from across the Sydney Archdiocese and Wollongong Diocese. At the opening, the winner of the ‘Archbishop’s Choice Trophy’ will be announced as well as the First, Second and Third Prize recipients.


Once again, CONGRATULATIONS to these students. 


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone !


Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator