Wellbeing Matters 

Term 4 Wellbeing Day

Whole school

The final wellbeing day was highly successfully with all students undertaking activities focused on looking after themselves. This term the school was lucky enough to secure a series of outside presentations who shared their experiences and provided students with a lot of ways to make healthier choices. 

Wheelchair Basketball 

Rick from Wheelchair Sports NSW is in a wheelchair from the disease spina bifida. He hasn’t let his disability impact his life, playing for Australia in Wheelchair Rugby League, Tennis, Badminton and Basketball. Rick discussed road safety with the students and then students got to experience playing Wheelchair Basketball and AFL. 

Police and Ambulance  


Police and Ambulance services presented on a variety of topics for both primary school and high school around being safe whether that is in town, at a party or in larger cities. They also spoke about how to look out for your mates and what to do if someone is in trouble. 



Dick Fleming

Dick Fleming engaged the boys group presenting information about his own story, the battles he faced and how he overcame these challenges. This presentation continued to support the importance of looking after your mental health. 


Bernie McGrath 

Bernie McGrath is an experienced beautician who discussed skin care, the importance of proper hygiene and washing your face with the right products. She also taught the girls how to do a hand massage which was very relaxing. 


Input vs Output 

Students learnt about the importance of having a balanced diet and learnt how to read nutritional information on food packaging and calculate kilojoules.

Healthy Eating Alternatives 

Students looked at the impact food can have on health and behaviour as well as identifying foods which have hidden salt and sugar. As part of the activities students were provided with a series of healthy snack food alternatives. 

Personal Training 

An important part of any teenager's life is exercise. Students were provided with a series of exercises they could carry out to meet their fitness needs without equipment. 

Primary School 

Infused Water 

Primary students discussed the importance of water and how much water their age bracket needs each day. As part of the activity students were provided a series of infused water samples including strawberry, mint and watermelon to demonstrate alternatives to soft drinks. 

Sun Safety 

Primary students spent some time in their classrooms discussing sun safety. All classes listened to books relating to the topic of being sunsmart and were then invited to design their own sunsmart hat or sun visor. This session of the day provoked many conversations about what students already know about sun safety, and we were able to add to their knowledge as well. The session also brought out students’ creative side as they designed their hats and visors.


Dental Health 

We were very fortunate in primary to have a Dental team come to the school to do a talk about how to care for our teeth. The ladies showed the children how to correctly brush their teeth and then discussed foods that are good and bad for our teeth. Many students learnt that they needed to add some steps to their brushing technique!



The students are incredibly lucky at Boorowa Central School to have such enthusiastic teachers presenting the lessons throughout the year. This includes all the members of the student wellbeing team for all the research, organisation and planning that went into creating the four amazing wellbeing days over the course of the year. All planned activities were created to meet an identified need at Boorowa Central School and ensure the students become well rounded citizens that will positively contribute to the community in the future. 



Miss Friend, Miss Bromfield, Mrs White, Miss Mooby, Miss Johnson, Mrs Riles, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Golden.

Student Wellbeing Team 

A message from our Student Support Officer (SS0)


How can the Student Support Officer help you and your child?

As the SSO at Boorowa Central School I am here to help you with a wide range of things.

My role involves working with the school community, including students, parents, and school staff, as well as community organisations and the wider community, to support student well-being. 

My goal as an SSO is to work alongside students to promote safety, resilience and pro-social behaviours, as well as being a point of call for students to seek advice, guidance, and support. 

It comprises working with students one on one, and in small groups.

Students can self-refer to me from Year 4 onwards or may be referred by the Learning Support Team / Wellbeing team, Year Advisers, Head Teachers, Deputy Principal and Principal.

 A student might be referred to me for support in areas such as bullying, developing self-esteem, resilience, conflict resolution and coping skills, peer mediation or to be connected to local external support and youth services. Some of these services may include Headspace, Kids Helpline or specialist health professionals.


For more complex issues, a referral to the Principal or School Counsellor is the most appropriate course of action. I do not provide psychological or intellectual, emotional or behavioural assessments with students. These are the responsibility of the School Counsellor/ School Psychologist. However, I am part of the team at the school who can help provide wrap-around support for these students.


Yes I know that’s lots of information to take on board, so let me simplify it.

I can help Parents and care givers.                                   

And students ;


Please know that all staff at Boorowa Central School are here to help you. Please do not hesitate to get in contact with me on  63853009.


Mrs Taryn RIles