
Technology & Applied Studies 

Year 8 Technology Mandatory 


Students in Technology Mandatory have created an LED light box. As part of the unit students have learnt how to use illustrator to create a cut file for the new lazer cutter. They have also used arduino boards and coded a series of light sequences including how to use RGB in their code. Finally students had the boxes lazer cut and learnt how to wire the LED to the arduino board. All students applied themselves diligently which is evident in the amazing final products. 

Great effort year 8 

Year 7 Technology Mandatory 


Year 7 Technology Mandatory students have been studying an engineering unit, learning about gears, leverage, motion, force and aerodynamics. Students designed a balloon racer prototype to test their dragster design. Finally students created a specification drawing which was scanned and lazer cut. All students have been engaged throughout the unit which has allowed for some very creative final dragsters. 

Exploring Early Childhood

Exploring Early Childhood have studied a range of units over the last two terms including ‘Play and Developing Child’ as part of this unit. Students visited the BEE centre and looked at a range of age appropriate toys and learning experiences. As part of this unit students designed and created their own educational toys. The exploring class are now studying the ‘Starting School’ unit, as part of the unit students are visiting the kindy room to look at the classroom settings and routines and will be helping with the Kindy Start program.  

There has also been an exciting addition to the Exploring Early Childhood and Child Studies resources. BCS now has a virtual baby for students to take home to simulate newborn care. Parents will receive a permission note prior to your child taking this resource home. 

Textiles and Design 

The Textiles and Design class completed their preliminary project which required the production of a dress and the supporting documentation. The assessment required students to experiment with a range of materials and techniques, learn how to production draw and read a commercial pattern. There were a range of difficult fabrics selected as well as the use of a range of advanced construction techniques.  

Well Done Year 11 Textiles.

Mrs Catherine Golden