Principal's Address

Laurelle Nosworthy's passing



It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Boorowa Central School staff member Laurelle Nosworthy. Laurelle had been a member of staff at Boorowa Central School for over 20 years and her final role at the school was Community Engagement Officer and administration support for the Deputy Principal and Principal. She continued to work in this role from home throughout this year, despite her illness, as it brought her happiness to know that she was positively contributing to the school community.

Laurelle was a long term member of the staff at Boorowa Central after first arriving to teach music in 2002. Throughout her 20 + years on staff she was responsible for creating many opportunities for the students of Boorowa Central and the wider community through activities such as involvement with the Millennium NSW Marching Band, NSW State Choir to perform at the opera house annually, a combined Boorowa Central and St Jospeh’s choir, Queanbeyan Performing Arts and many SMArt and Drama night performances. Her dedication to music and singing within our school and the community brought passion and joy to many students and adults alike.

Laurelle and I worked closely together for a variety of aspects within the school over our shared 5-6 years together. She would often stick her head into my office and check in to see if I were OK. She was one of the few people who would call me out when she could tell from my eyes that I was actually not OK. She would then proceed to give me a good natured ‘mothering’ and tell me that I ‘can’t be everything to everyone one’ and that my ‘best is good enough’. I will miss Laurelle.

Last week I asked Amber for permission to write about Laurelle and she asked that I share two characteristics of her late Mum.

1. Mum always had a goal to create opportunities for students in public education.

2. Despite her long battle with cancer, Mum continued to show strength and would not let her illness define her.

Laurelle’s memorial is being held on Saturday 21 October at the Boorowa Ex-Services club from 12pm. All are welcome to attend.