Performing Arts

 Music Matters

Term 2 is shaping up to be a very busy and exciting one for our musicians! There have been some changes made to our rehearsal schedules for next week (Week 2) in preparation for the Mothers’ Day Mass (8 May) and Founder's Day Mass (10 May), both being held at Oxford Falls. Please see below for a summary of rehearsals:

PAPA fundraising event: there are still some tickets left for our Stand Up Comedy fundraising event to be held this Saturday, May 4th in The Sarto Centre (cnr Anderson and Daisy Streets); doors open at 7:00 pm. The gates will be open for parking in the school grounds (with automatic opening of gates to exit). Drinks and snacks are also available for pre-purchase and can also be purchased on the night. 

If you are unable to attend, there is an option to give a small donation on the Trybooking link. All proceeds go towards our Performing Arts students and programs.


Thank you to our Senior Concert Band and their Ensemble Director, Mrs Stella Talati for their performance at the Anzac Day service yesterday and especially to Sam Cummins (Year 12) for his superb playing of ‘The Last Post’ and ‘Reveille’. 


Upcoming Dates:

  • Jazz Workshop Day  Sunday 5 May, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Intermediate and Senior Jazz – Band Room; 1:30 pm Junior Jazz workshop
  • Mothers’ Day Mass - Week 2, Wednesday 8 May – Junior and Senior Chorales, College Orchestra - Oxford Falls.  Bus 7:00 am
  • Rehearsal for Founder's Day Mass at Oxford Falls 11:00 am – 2:30 pm (Chorale, Drumline and ‘Super Band’ (Senior Concert Band, Orchestra and some Intermediate Concert Band members by invitation)
  • Founders’ Day Mass, Week 2, Friday 10 May,  ‘Super Band’, Drumline & Chorales, Oxford Falls.  Bus 7:30 am
  • Forestville RSL Concert - Week 3, Wednesday 15 May, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm – Senior Jazz
  • Chamber Music Concert – Week 4, Friday 24 May, 7:00 pm - Sarto
  • Bands Concert – Week 5, Friday 31 May, 5:00 pm - Gym
  • Sydney Eisteddfod, The Concourse, Tuesday 4 June, 2:00 pm - Junior Jazz
  • Sydney Eisteddfod, The Concourse, Thursday 6 June (TBC) 
  • Sydney Eisteddfod, The Concourse, Wednesday 12 June 9:30 am - Junior Chorale
  • Sydney Symphony Orchestra Excursion - The Opera House, Thursday 13 June, Years 9 - 12

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Leader of Learning, Performing Arts

Drama Matters

HSC Drama Gifted & Talented Workshop

On 11 April the HSC Drama cohort took part in a workshop held at St Catherine’s School in Waverley. Students participated in a full day devising workshop with professional theatre company Force Majeure. They were joined by students from St Catherines, Sydney Grammar, St Luke’s and Sydney Girl’s High School. At the same time, teachers from these schools had their own workshop led by a theatre professional. 

Force Majeure are known for their innovative and theatrical devising shows. At the end of the day each group presented their work to the whole teacher and student body. It was remarkable what could be achieved in so little time. The students were very impressed and came away with many practical ideas to help develop their Group Performance in Term 2. 

Year 8 

On 1 May all Year 8 students watched a Commedia Comedy show presented by Fools In Progress Theatre Company in the Sarto Centre. (This show has been kindly paid for by PAPA). Commedia dell’arte is widely regarded as the beginnings of all modern comedy. It relies on stock characters and was originally an improvised show that travelled through Northern Italy. Students were entertained for an hour whilst the actors cleverly used physicality, masks and movement to engage and hold their attention. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to experience live theatre with masks and costumes. Year 9 Drama Elective students will also watch this performance as they are studying Commedia in Term 2.



All Drama Ensembles: Junior, Intermediate & Senior are now being held in the Sarto Centre. 

Junior & Intermediate Ensembles WILL run this week.



If your son is to miss his Drama ensemble for any reason, can you please ensure this is indicated through Clipboard. All rolls are now taken electronically. 


Upcoming Drama Events:

  • 8 May: Drama Elective groups Years 9, 10 & 11 will go to Sydney Theatre Company to watch Dario Fo & Franca Rame’s famous play, Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay! (This event has been kindly paid for by PAPA). This is part of STC’s School Day Performances 2024 and is a wonderful opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a professional production. 
  • 30 May: Intermediate & Senior Ensemble Cocurricular Showcase at the Sarto Centre 5.30 pm. Students from both ensembles will perform scenes from The Proper Mechanicals, Waiting for Godot, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead and The Accidental Death of an Anarchist. 
  • 25 June: Drama Elective Groups Years 11 & 12 will go to Sydney Theatre Company to watch Jane Harrison’s seminal play, Stolen about the Stolen Generations. (This event has been kindly paid for by PAPA). This play is on the HSC NESA list of plays for our students to study and we are thrilled for students to be able to see a professional production of this play.

Ms Penny Lindley - Leader of Learning, Drama