Pastoral Care 

  • Term 2 reminders
  • Student Absences
  • Bullying is not tolerated here at St Pius X
  • Fiji U15 & U16 Rugby tour
  • Deep Wave program for HSC Students
  • Parent webinars - responding to drug and alcohol use in young people

Term 2 reminders

  • A reminder that the winter uniform came into play at the start of this term; this includes blazers, long grey trousers along with black or grey socks, a long sleeve shirt and tie. 
  • If for any reason you do not have a blazer ready for the start of term you will need to email your Pastoral Leader. 
  • A reminder that Clipboard is not used for student school absence. Please see below for the procedure for any student absence on the school day.

Student Absences

  • Attendance Rolls are marked in Homeroom which runs from 8.35 am – 8.52 am​.  
  • Parents are required to explain any student absence at their earliest opportunity by:​
  1. Ringing the attendance line:  9411 4733 (prior to 9:00 am)​
  2. Emailing the Attendance Officer:​ (prior to 9:00 am)​ or​
  3. Providing a written/printed note explaining the absence on the next available opportunity.​
  • Communication must be addressed to College staff and include the student’s full name, date/s of absence, student’s year and class group, reason for absence, likely return date, signatory’s details, relationship to the student and return contact.​

A reminder that Bullying is not tolerated here at St Pius X College

Bullying is behaviour that is repeated and intended to cause psychological, social or physical harm. Bullying can be harmful to your mental health, your self-esteem and your social relationships. People who bully often have low self-esteem.

St Pius X College is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment that is based on mutual respect and is free from harassment. Harassment and bullying is not acceptable in any circumstances and will not be tolerated. 

The college is responsible for ensuring that students are treated fairly and with respect, and is committed to ensuring that all staff will:

  • model appropriate standards of behaviour; educate and make students aware of their obligations under this policy and the law; 
  • intervene quickly and appropriately when inappropriate behaviour is identified; act fairly to resolve issues and enforce the College’s behavioural standards, making sure relevant parties are heard; 
  • help students resolve complaints informally; and ensure students who raise an issue or make a complaint are not victimised. 

The college will investigate formal complaints about breaches of this policy and take appropriate prompt remedial action, including counselling, education, medication and disciplinary action.

Fiji under 15 and 16’s Rugby tour - BULA

Twenty eight students travelled to Fiji on a Rugby tour in the recent holidays. The players represented the school exceptionally well on the field with 3 wins from 4 games. Even though they were there to develop their rugby skills, most boys commented that the highlight of the trip was visiting the villages and interacting with the locals in the ‘true Fiji’ environment. It made them grateful for what they have here in Australia.

'To see the Fijian people so happy and they have so little, makes me reflect on how lucky we are to have such a good school and home back in Australia,' said one player on the trip.

The tour hopefully assisted in the development of the whole person. They can now be advocates of change and make a positive difference in their actions, knowing happiness is not about materials seeing the Fiji people smile and say Bula on every interaction.

A big thanks to Mr Jack Kovacic and Mr Justin Gates who gave up a week of their family time to assist on the tour. We hope to continue our relationship with the Fijian’s in the future.

Please see the full report and more photos in the Rugby section of Cocurricular.

HSC Students - Deep Wave

Deep Wave is a program being run for Year 12 students to assist them with managing stress and keeping active during their HSC year. 

The main focus will be dynamic stretching and relaxation practices for managing stress, followed by some weekly advice for staying afloat at the Term 2 stage of their HSC year when organization and motivation can ebb.

Classes will run weekly, for one hour on Friday afternoons, with the intention that attending the class will set the students up to approach the week ahead with a sense of calm, control and mental fitness.


The details are:

Who: HSC students

What: Students BYO towel

When: Friday afternoons 4.30 pm - 5.30 pm in Term 2

Where: Physiocise, Penshurst St Willoughby

How: Contact Julianne at to enrol

Parent Webinar Series:  Responding to Drug and Alcohol Use in Young People

Please see the link to 2 webinars which are being held in the coming months on drug and alcohol use in young people.


Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care