Mission and Identity 

  • ANZAC Day College Assembly
  • Centacare Solidarity Day
  • Founder's Week
  • Mother's Day and Biggest Morning Tea

ANZAC Day College Assembly

On Wednesday, the College commemorated ANZAC Day with a College Assembly. The St Pius X Mission and Identity Prefects led the community through our centering, Acknowledgment of Country, prayers and scripture. 

Rory Rapa of Year 7 led an insightful and highly articulate ANZAC day reflection which was followed by the laying of the wreath by Anthony Parissis of Year 11 and Charlie Holm of Year 6.

Flowers have traditionally been laid on graves and memorials in memory of those who have died and have gone home to God. The laurel, an evergreen shrub, is also a commemorative symbol. Woven into a wreath, it was used by the ancient Romans to crown victors and the brave as a mark of honour. Today we continue that tradition by placing a wreath at our sacred space, marking the bravery of not only St Pius’ own servicemen, but all Australian service personnel, past and present.

The words of the Ode pierced the reverent silence across the campus as Year 5, 6 and 12 gathered in the gym, and Years 7 - 11 participated via live stream in their classrooms.  

The bugle heralded reflection through a stirring rendition of the Last Post and Rouse by a talented Sam Cummins of Year 12 as bugler. Proceedings were concluded by a proud National Anthem that was exquisitely led by the College Band.

We extend our gratitude to the College IT, Music, Audio, Maintenance and Mission teams for the work and expertise in making the ceremony possible. Particular thanks to Mr Rodgers for his expertise and assistance in developing the ceremony. 

Centacare Solidarity Day

During the holidays, Mr Balboa and eleven students from Year 10 and Year 11 volunteered with Centacare in solidarity, as a way of continuing their desire to be hands and feet of Christ to those on the fringe. 

The Solidarity Day involved participating in activities with workers at Centacare Industries, who live with different intellectual abilities. Activities include life skill building activities including packing light items (e.g. highlighters, small plastic tubing equipment), cooking class, training on how to create a budget and participating in games and plenary forums with the workers.

The students are to be congratulated on the exemplary care they afforded their buddies at Centacare, and for the dignity that they recognised in their buddies through their interactions.

Founder’s Week - Week 2 

Next week we will be celebrating as a College a suite of celebrations and activities to reconnect with our ‘why’ and our ‘how’ as a Catholic School in the tradition of Edmund Rice.

Our ‘why’ is Jesus and and our ‘how’ is through the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice. It is essential to reconnect and explore our ‘why and how’ to remain an authentic, living and dynamic community that honours our past while exploring how to respond to the needs of today. 


‘If we know where we have come from, we can discern where we are going’


Our theme for Founder’s Week 2024 is: 

Stronger Together - Connected by the Rhythm of the Heart.


This recognises that Blessed Edmund recognised the need for collaboration and solidarity if he were to be successful in having a seismic impact on liberating the children of his time from poverty. It also speaks to Christ’s message in Matthew 25:31-41 when He affirms that acts of charity or the lack thereof to the least of his sisters and brothers, are done directly to Him. The theme aims to assist students to recognise that the plight of our sisters and brothers in any kind of poverty, are the collective responsibility of us all, as we are connected by a common rhythm of a heart beat.


The aim of Founders week is ‘to see the world through the eyes of Edmund Rice’:


To witness the liberating power of education against poverty (Head)

To witness God’s unifying rhythm of beating as one (heart) 

To witness the burden of others as a personal responsibility (Hands)


To assist the achievement of these goals, students and staff will be engaging in the following:

Founder’s Week Workshops that are designed to:

  • Reconnect with Edmund’s story
  • Explore Edmund’s vision
  • Explore organisations that continue his vision
  • Explore the work of the Edmund Rice Foundation Australia (ERFA)
  • Experience the Mukuru Slums in Nairobi via a 4D video
  • Reflect on the work of the Ruben Centre via the ERFA and how this connects to Edmund’s Response to the Gospels

Stage 3-4 Founder’s Week Workshop Slides 


4D Video of Muruku Slums in Nairobi Kenya


Stage 3-4 Reflection Activity Sheets


Stage 5-6 Founder’s Week Workshop Slides


These workshops will take place in RE classes during Week 1-2 in Term 2.

Students will also have the opportunity to engage in African drumming workshops.


Unity of the Heart - African Drumming Workshops are designed to:

  • Assist students to witness God’s unifying rhythm of beating as one heart seeking a common goal
  • Assist students to identify our common humanity, and move towards identifying a shared responsibility for our brothers and sisters suffering beyond our borders
  • Connect musically with the work of the Ruben Centre through the Edmund Rice Foundation Australia
  • Drumming workshops will take place on Tuesday in Week 2: HR/Part P1: Y11, P2: Y6, P3: Y8, P5: Y10
  • Location: Baby Brother

The Founder’s Week Mission and Identity-based activities will conclude with a College Mass at Oxford Falls on Friday with much celebration and joy. Much gratitude is extended to Mr Gillogly and the Pastoral Care team for their organisation and provision of House Based activities throughout the week as well as the Founder’s Festival that will follow Mass.

Mother’s Day and Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser

A reminder of the warm invitation to all mothers and all who maternally care for young people to join us for the St Pius X Mother’s Day Mass at Oxford Falls on Wednesday 8 May at 9:00 am. 

This celebration of the vital role that mother figures play in the holistic development of young people, will be followed by The Biggest Morning Tea as a fundraiser to support the Cancer Council. Please share this appeal with family and friends as we seek to make a significant contribution to cancer research. 

Students attending this most important celebration have the option to travel back to the College following the Mass and morning tea via school buses or family transport.


Guests are invited to RSVP via the link below.



Fundraising page for St Pius X Biggest Morning Tea:



As we commence the adventure of Term 2, we pray that your learning journey is one of spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical growth. 

Every blessing.

Mr Daniel Petrie - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity