From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • The month of May
  • Reminder of the College IT Policy and the Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Vale College Ex-student, Bishop Peter Ingham
  • ANZAC Commemoration Ceremonies
  • The Bondi Junction tragedy - our prayers are with all the victims
  • Stafing Update
  • Founder's Day
  • Updated College App
  • Eddie's Big Night Out


Over the recent weeks, I have been concerned at the amount of discussion related to poor decisions and actions made by individuals in our community.  When one student is feeling unsafe then the entire community rallies together to support this son of St Pius X so that he feels supported and safe.  The College also needs to educate those who have harmed others so that they learn and understand the impact of their choices, with the intention of improving their behaviour for the future.  By walking together and noting our differences, we can come to some understanding so that we and our sons can be enlightened to continue with our partnership and develop into strong gentlemen with a conviction for peace.

The Gospel demonstrates that the disciples were also constantly challenged by their community.  Like the disciples, there is a battle within us between doing good and evil.  This encounter reinforces the thought that we are entrusted in proclaiming the Good News and endeavour to be fully alive by serving others, not harming others.   St Francis’s peace prayer is a reminder on how we should live our lives in service of others. We need to give thanks to God for the good within us and humbly seek His mercy. 


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Month of May

As we commence the month of May, we are reminded of the lives of Mary, our heavenly mother, and our Founder Blessed Edmund Rice who were challenged to proclaim the message and openly became witnesses to the message through their own lives.  Let us live Jesus in our hearts as we follow in the footsteps of Mary, Edmund and St Pius X.

As we commemorate ANZAC Day as a College community, we are reminded that we do not celebrate ANZAC Day, as war is not a theatre that we should celebrate, but rather we remember (commemorate) all those who have served our country for the better good of all.  We especially remember those who have paid the ultimate price of war. It is also a time to reflect upon the positive Australian values that are exemplified on ANZAC Day:  values such as self-giving, resilience, courage, generosity, love, care and mercy but to name a few.  We have been bestowed with the responsibility of ensuring these values are maintained in our current society so that the lives of so many fine young men and women did not die in vain.  As Christians, ANZAC is sacred because human life is sacred.  Every human is precious in God’s sight.  The life and fate of each solider who died at Gallipoli and other wars matters to God. Lest we forget.

I would like to thank Mr Petrie and our Mission and Identity student leaders - Harrison Morton, Dominic Mitchell and Lennox Makarewicz who assisted the College in commemorating ANZAC Day.  I would also like to acknowledge Rory Rapa for his wonderful reflection, Sam Cummins for an inspiring rendition of the Last Post and Rouse and the beautiful sounds of the College Band led by Mrs Stella Talati.  Due to poor weather, we relocated the assembly into the school gym where Year 5, 6 and 12 were able to reflect on the meaning of ANZAC Day. 

Thank you also to the ICT Department who live-streamed the assembly to all our homerooms so that they could be part of the special day.

Finally, I pray that all the ordinary men of St Pius X College can achieve extraordinary feats in their lives.  May all our sons demonstrate the values that exemplifies the ANZAC’s throughout this term and the whole of the year.  Welcome back.

Please see Rory Rapa's reflection below:

Reminder of the IT Policy and the Anti-Bullying Policy

As we enter Term 2, I want to emphasise the significance of our IT Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy to the community. These guidelines outline how students can effectively support themselves and their peers within the College. It is crucial to use technology appropriately to maintain a safe online environment, while the anti-bullying policy underscores everyone's role in fostering a secure and inclusive community. I urge all families to engage with their sons in conversations about these policies, stressing the collective responsibility we have to nurture a positive and supportive atmosphere for all members of our community.

Vale College Ex-student Bishop Peter Ingham

It is with deep sorrow that the College received news of the passing of one of its most esteemed alumni, Bishop Peter Ingham. Bishop Ingham had been battling illness for some time, yet even in his own struggles, he remained remarkably more concerned about others than himself. He exemplified extraordinary leadership as a Bishop, as a man, and as a person devoted to God. Bishop Peter graced the College with his presence on numerous occasions, with his final visit occurring in 2022 when he presided over the College's opening Mass.

Mr Tony Cunneen has penned a touching tribute to Bishop Peter, which I highly recommend reading. Bishop Peter's funeral is scheduled for Friday, 10 May, in Wollongong. The College will be represented at the funeral to pay tribute to this esteemed servant of God.  May he rest in peace.

ANZAC Commemoration Ceremonies

Throughout the holiday break, the College had a presence at two commemorative events – the Chatswood Dawn Service and a subsequent service in Willoughby. Mr Rodgers has conveyed to me his admiration for the exemplary conduct of our students at both ceremonies, particularly highlighting the impactful address delivered by our Year 11 student, Anthony Parissis. The commendations bestowed upon Anthony have been truly remarkable. I highly recommend reading his reflection, as it offers valuable insights into his family's experiences. 

Anthony's reflection even garnered attention in the Greek news. 

Congratulations to all those who represented the College at various ANZAC services.

The Bondi Junction Tragedy – Our prayers are with all the victims

The events of the first weekend of the holiday at Bondi Junction were truly heartbreaking. If any member of our community has found the tragedy challenging and resulted in a difficult time, our College counsellors are available or the following support services are also available: 


Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline is a 24/7 phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. 

P: 1800 55 1800 


Mental Health Line

Mental Health Line is a single number, state-wide 24/7 mental health telephone access service. Contact the Mental Health Line to speak with a mental health professional and be directed to the right care for them. 

P: 1800 011 511



headspace provides support for young people, professionals, educators, and families.



Lifeline is a 24-hour telephone counselling service. 

P: 13 11 14


Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue provides support programs to address issues related to depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental illnesses.

P: 1300 22 4636 


Please continue praying for all the victims who continue to suffer today.

Staffing Update

During the holiday period, there have been adjustments to our staffing due to resignations, extended leaves, and maternity leaves. I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to the following new additions to our community:

  • Mr Lloyd Zuo – Mandarin teacher.  Mr Zuo is a HSC Marker for the speaking exams and also has NSW School of Languages experience
  • Ms Herminia Ramos – Experienced and innovative Library Technician who will work across both Junior and Senior School libraries. Ms Ramos joins us from Mercy College
  • Ms Emma Coughlan – English and Religious Education for Terms 2 - 4. Ms Coughlan comes from Ireland
  • Ms Kaylene Hoban who joins us as Payroll Officer

I earnestly hope and pray that their time with us is fruitful and filled with valuable learnings.

We extend a warm welcome back to Mr Simpson from Long Service Leave, as well as to Ms Leisa Proc. 

It is with a heavy heart that I inform the community that Mr Mario Phaesie has accepted a leadership position at Cranbrook College. I understand that this was a challenging decision for Mr Phaesie as he holds great affection for the school and especially for the community. He will continue teaching at the College until the end of Week 4.

It is also with sadness that I announce the resignation of Mrs Anna Coombs from her role as Canteen Manager after 24 years of service. Mrs Coombs has been a loyal and dedicated supporter of the College, and her absence will be keenly felt. We extend our sincerest best wishes for her future endeavours.

I would like to express gratitude to the entire community for their concern regarding Mr Damo's well-being. He is progressing exceptionally well and is grateful for everyone's good wishes. Regrettably, he will be absent from the College for the remainder of the school year. Please keep him in your prayers, and we eagerly anticipate his return in 2025. In the interim, Mr Stephen Davidson will continue in his role as Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning.

As I mentioned earlier this week, Mr Daniel Quilty will be absent from the College indefinitely until his health improves. During his absence, Ms Stefania Taddio will serve as the Acting Leader of Learning - English. All English-related matters should be directed to Ms Taddio. Please continue to keep Mr Quilty in your prayers, and we anticipate his return later this year.

Unfortunately, Ms Denise Ramsey suffered a fall during the holidays, resulting in a broken tibia. She will be absent from the College for up to six weeks. Arrangements have been made to support her classes during her absence. Please keep Ms Ramsey in your prayers.

Founder's Day 

Preparations are being finalised for Founder's Day at our Oxford Falls campus next Friday, 10 May.  

Please note that students are able to wear mufti, in their house colours

The schedule for the day is as follows:

Updated College App

Throughout the first term, the College introduced several new systems, which caused some parents to feel uncertain about where to find information. To address this, the College App has been reconfigured to include all the new systems as well as the existing ones that are still in use. For detailed communication regarding the College's updated App, please refer to Mr Davidson's section in the Parent and Student Matters page of this Woodchatta.

Eddie's Big Night Out

St Edmund’s College, Wahroonga, are holding their Eddie’s Big Night Out next term, on Saturday 15 June.

St Edmund’s College, Wahroonga, is affiliated with the EREA network of schools. Formerly part of the NSW branch of Edmund Rice schools, it is now integrated into Edmund Rice Special Education Services following recent governance changes within EREA.

St Edmund’s caters to students with diverse abilities. Eddies Big Night Out is a fundraising event aimed at supporting these students and the exceptional education provided by St Edmund’s Wahroonga



Mother’s Day Mass on Wednesday 8 May

Our Mother’s Day Mass on Wednesday 8 May at Oxford Falls is fast approaching.  It is very important that you RSVP so that we can arrange the catering for the Biggest Morning Tea. I look forward to celebrating this special occasion with many mothers, grandmothers and other significant females in the lives of our sons.

Key Dates


Since our last newsletter two students have achieved outstanding results in their chosen sport.

Congratulations to:

  • Nick Gladen who won a gold and silver at the recent National Swimming Championships with a personal best time in the 100m backstroke.
  • Matthew Hunt who won the National 400m event at the recent Athletics Championships.  Matthew will represent Australia at the World Juniors held during August in Lima, Peru.

These performances from two gentlemen of our College are truly remarkable.


The winter season begins this week, with teams competing across the metropolitan area and beyond. A reminder to all players that representing the College is a privilege. Let's always approach the game with the spirit it was meant to be played in - with enthusiasm, determination, and exemplary sportsmanship. Best wishes to all teams.


Go the Blue and Gold this week.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal